Michael Haxeltine, a Waverley Dowser Member, is trying to establish a unit of dowsing energy which could internationally accepted. He is encouraging discussion on this topic and the application of Bovis Units or a Scale marked off in Gigahertz Units – GUs, which Michael has designed. There is a lot of information on the internet […]
Sussex Dowsers are Affiliated to the British Society of Dowsers PROGRAMME October 2015 to January 2016 Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG £6 non-members, £4 members Refreshments available . Sunday 11 October: Mind Chi with Vanda North Vanda […]
Scientists say that there are approx 2.5 million different species of (solid) creatures on Earth, what makes them think that there not at least the same amount of (incorporeal) creatures that we can’t see ? does evolution only work for ‘concentrated energy’ creatures and not for ‘energy’ creatures. This is where dowsers are at their […]
There has been many a discussion started when people are asked the question, ‘are you predominately left brain or right brain’ the difference between the two are quite startlingly different, most people seem to use both parts of their brain depending on the task, while others grow up becoming dominant on one side or the […]
Here is a dowsers colour chart that is available for dowsers to download and print, they have been made available at Waverley Dowsers training sessions and will be available at future training sessions where complete tuition will be provided to those who attend. To download and print, please click on the link below WD-MAGER-HUNTER-COLOUR-WHEEL-GCM150508-1 To […]