Waverley Dowsers were recently invited to test their skills and help local historian Jo Gosney
relocate the site of a 14th century farmhouse in what is now the King George’s Playing Field in Farnborough, Hampshire.
Jo who has researched the area extensively working from old maps none of which show the
actual building also provided the Waverley dowsing members a short talk on the history of the area.
Using our preferred dowsing devices, we then proceeded to dowse the likely area, marking the edges of
buildings with coloured flags and surveyors poles. We found traces of a building,
possibly dating back to the 14th century, established the thickness of the walls.
Also present was a local reporter, who took an interest in what we were, Michael Haxeltine the
current Waverley dowsers chairman also provided a short interview on video for the online Journal
which you are able to watch here, the Journalist also provided an interesting and thoughtful article after
asking questions and watching us all Dowse.
Read the full article and watch the video on the link below.