Dowsers from various Dowsing groups met together for a ‘teach in’ with the sharing of skills and knowledge, some of the dowsers brought their children.

This photo was taken while Michael was demonstrating how to make ‘L’ rods with metal wire coat hangers
While the children were practicing their dowsing techniques, proud parents were taking photographs which when later looked at showed that the photos had captured some ORBS. At the time the photos were taken no one had seen or were aware of the ORBS.
ORBS are known to manifest or show up when strong spiritual and psychic energies have been used or when a strongly psychic or spiritual person is in the photo-shoot, ORBs are considered energetic life forms, although the jury is still out on what sort of life form, whether they are the energies of departed people, manifested by strongly spiritual/psychic people or an existent life in their own right who are attracted to people using or projecting psychic or spiritual energies.
Orbs have started showing up on digital camera photos because of the camera’s ability to capture a wider spectrum of ‘radiation’ than the previous paper films once used in photography, although of course there is always the possibility of dust or moisture on the lens so it is important to check that other photos taken at the time do not show lens contamination.
On another occasion when a Waverley dowser member was taking photographs of a model layout he had constructed to provide an idea on a new building scheme in his village that he was investigating for potential issues with Feng Shui/earth energies as well as wind focusing leading to noise and potential ‘sick building syndrome’, the photo’s were taking in 2005 and at the time he did not notice any Orb’s, but recently going through his photographic collection he spotted the Orb’s showing themselves which was a surprise.
Below is a video of energy healing when ORBS also showed up, electronic camera’s only seem to capture ORBS when psychic or the higher energy’s are put in to use, strange that..
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