There are many methods and tools to use for Dowsing or Divining as some may wish to call it and these must be personal preference, but it doesn’t matter if you want to use a traditional forked hazel twig or wand or if you prefer the modern ‘L’ rods or something special like an aurameter or just a plain pendulum, what is important is how you interpret the various bobs, turns and twists of the various tools that you may choice to use.
There is of course the devise-less dowsers who use part of their bodies to provide an indication of yes or no to the questions that a dowser may devise, as well as the ‘feeling’ of energy detection, this method has advantages as well disadvantages depending on what is required. Many dowsers use a range of equipment that they think is suitable to the task in hand.
But for less experienced dowsers becoming accurate and confident in their accuracy is the main step that they need to accomplish, so to this end two members of Waverley Dowsers have put together several documents to help the beginner and intermediate dowser polish their accuracy. These documents are freely provided on this web page for you to download and print for your personal use, or link to from your blog, website or Facebook page. The BSD published both of these dowsers help guide documents in two editions of their magazine in 2015.
Waverley Dowsers have also written and provided in our articles area many write-up’s with great ideas on practical dowsing that provide the everyday practise that you need to have so that your dowsing gets more and more accurate.
To print or download this dowsers guide, please click on the link below
Of course there are many things that you can dowse, energy dowsing or spiritual dowsing is a fantastical area to become interested in, but dowsers know that everything has consciousness, some more than others, but communicating with kind intentions is very important, if you have unconditional love for all things then you are working and moving in the right direction, if you honour nature then you may also demonstrate the correct need to show respect to a conscious living being.
Below Waverley Dowsers members Geoff and Ken have compiled a chart to help those people who are interested in energy dowsing, we believe that by studying this flow chart and guide, you may be able to resolve some questions that you have had and for those dowsers who are gaining an interest in energy dowsing, we hope this guide will advance your skills. You may print this document for personal use and you may link to this guide from your blog, website or facebook page.
To print or download this dowsers guide, please click on the link below