While in Carnac, France recently we came across a Passage chamber, if you think of a smaller version of Newgrange in Ireland then you have a similar picture, this particular one hasn’t been maintained or renovated although the undergrowth on top had recently been cut back in the last three or four years judging from the height of the grow back.

Passage Chamber Stone
It was interesting to notice that the main plants that are actually growing on top of the passage chamber is the Strawberry Tree, the very same plant that was once a sacred shrub or small Tree to the Beaker people who originated in Iberia (Portugal) whoever had cut back the overgrowth had also left one of the Strawberry trees intact which made a nice photo with the standing Stone that was situated on top.
The Passage entrance itself has a fairly unhappy looking door fitted to it which made it look a bit like a shed but there was a light switch on the left of the entrance which turned on some low level lighting in the actual chamber of the construction which helped with the investigation but felt a little sacrilege in a way.
Outside the Passage Chamber there were the remnants of the surrounding stone circle, which is something that seemed to be mandatory around all the megalithic constructs that we visited while in Carnac. (and in the UK) The entrance of the Chamber faced East and there was another standing stone directly in front of the entrance about thirty feet away, I didn’t have a tape measure but I am sure the distance was important, the stone would block the first rays of the rising sun from flooding into the entrance and illuminating the passage, so I am making a guess that the stone was of a particular height and at a particular distance to control how the angle of light from the rising sun would enter the Passage and illuminate the Chamber at the back of the Passage. The stone was NOT directly in front of the doorway but a few inches off central position, perhaps allowing for the angular movement of the Sun over different times of the year, or maybe it had been knocked down and put back up incorrectly although it was very solid in the ground.
I used my dowsing rod to identify the cardinal points of the compass but I also decided to get out my smart phone and bring up my GPS compass ‘app’ to see how accurate the eastern alignment was, it was as accurate as you could expect. My main investigation was to dowse for earth energies and to see how the energies were been used on the site.
So holding my dowsing rod in search mode I entered the passage and walked down towards the chamber, nothing was detected in the passage, in the chamber the atmosphere felt refreshingly light and not musty or damp although it had rained every night that we had been in Carnac the construction was watertight as far as I could see. I was surprised how clean and uplifting it felt in the chamber and I wondered if the chamber had been placed over a rising of negative ion’s, these had been shown to exist on many sacred Neolithic standing stones, circles and Dolmans. I dowsed for primary water energy as shown by Maria Wheatley several months earlier at the EEG meeting and got a confirmation on the right hand corner of the chamber when facing in (west/south alignment), in fact I was getting quite a strong signal across the back wall with the right hand side been the strongest. I didn’t have the time to dowse for primary energy spirals for final confirmation.
I knew from Maria’s investigations that Primary water energy or ‘Ying’ water produced healing and beneficial energies and the fact that previously a monastery had been built on the same grounds as this Passage Chamber tended to identify the area with uplifting or healing forces which had been made use of by the Church.
I went outside and climbed the path to the top of the ‘earthen mound’ and visually investigated the surface, I dowsed the standing stone situated over the chamber or perhaps it may have been over the end of the Passage, without a tape measure I was guessing a bit here, my dowsing confirmed that this stone was ‘radiating’ the energy from the chamber that was collecting the healing energy of the ‘Ying’ water that was coming up through the floor of the chamber, this was then been broadcast through the standing stone on top of the mound. I wondered if there was something in the Chamber, maybe it’s the shape or the type of stones it was built from that amplified or directed the energy field of the Ying/Genesis water Maria called it Genesis water also Ying water because it had a female energy signature.
I often wondered why ancient people would go to such a great effort to move and erect huge granite stones for the roofs of their constructions when they could of used smaller stones to create a roof, perhaps this was another hint on the, ‘why’ large granite stones were used, to capture and re-direct energy fields perhaps it was the high quartz crystal content of the huge stones that are chosen, of course the top stone was compressing the side stones that it rested on and I know from my little science knowledge that when you compressed quartz, it generates electricity in what is called the piezoelectric effect, there is also ALWAYS a slight tilt from front to back for these large capstones, could the quartz laden stone be channelling the internal energy if it was, then in this instance the energy would have been flowing toward the location of the standing stone on the roof of the earthen mound.
I returned to investigate the half circle of stones that were now left of the once complete circle, I earlier noticed that my compass app had a Gauss meter which measured magnetic energies so I walked about outside the stone circle as well as inside and discovered that there was a 10-15% fluctuating differential between the magnetism outside and the inside with the highest levels on the top of the earthen mound (52 gauss) and the lowest (36 gauss) about one yard outside the stone circle which is a big variation over a thirty metre distance.
Walking from the inside edge of the stone circle towards the earthen mound (passage chamber) I dowsed three bands of energy, the bands were in the following, 1st band was three yards in and continuing to walk, I came across the 2nd band a further five yards on and then still walking, the third band was a further two yards inwards. (3, 5, 2 yards) of course this could be generated by the earthen mound construction and radiating outwards in which case you would reverse the measurements (2,5,3 yards) which was the likely result.
So lots of perfunctorily investigations to tickle the interests and I know that this site deserves a serious investigation with the right equipment plus several days with several experienced dowsers using a range of different talents and skills, I am sure that there are some French books on this site (but I can’t read French) I wanted to get on to check some more Dolmans and was reluctant to move on but I noticed that while dowsing in and out of the entrance that something strange was happening.
There are two large stones built into the wall as you approach the doorway, they are opposite each other and similar in size although a different shape this reminded me of the stone avenues where a male stone would be paired opposite with a female stone. So I dowsed and sure enough the stone on the left side was a female stone and the stone on the right was a male stone, although by there shape I would expect the energies to be the other way around.
What I had noticed was that when I walked past and through the doorway on my own and then came out and dowsed the stones, for a few seconds the energies would be reversed before slowly reverting back to their normal state. I tested this three times, starting my walk well outside the wall that would funnel into the doorway, I would enter the doorway, turn and dowse both stones, I also started from down in the passage way and outwards before turning and dowsing the stones. I am still not 100% convinced that the stones are fixed with male and female energies, they may also change depending on the sunlight entering the passage and the time of year, or day and night (Moon)
I asked my partner to do the same experiment which she did three times, she also got the same confusing results of the stones switching energies for a twenty seconds or so before it slowly reverted. So we tested this by holding hands and walking together past the gateway stones and then dowsed and this time we found no change in the stones energy, we repeated this three times to confirm. The effects were undeniable, there was obviously a reason for this effect and it was a deliberate part of the construction and made use of, but apart from some guess work I can’t seriously say what this effect was built for. I wonder if this happens at Newgrange or other Passage Chambers.
So I am afraid not as complete an investigation as I wanted, I Hope you enjoy the photo slide show HERE.
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