The British Society of Dowsers have recently provided the ‘Introduction to Dowsing’ course’s for 2014, these courses will be conducted by approved and experienced teachers of Dowsing and cover most parts of the UK.
Theses courses will provide the beginner with the basic knowledge and confidence to become a dowser and will not only teach the fundamental practical basics but provide the knowledge to go on and develop each pupil’s skills according to their personal directions.
Saturday 5th April Ashorne, Warwick Peter Stott
Saturday 12th April Blackford, Scotland Grahame Gardner
Saturday 10th May Surrey, North Holmwood Village Hall Sara Doughty-Bassett
Saturday 7th June Wootton Wawen, Warwick Peter Stott
Saturday 14th June Minskip, N Yorks (by A1) Bill holding
Saturday 18th October Minskip, N Yorks (By A1) Bill Holding
Waverley Dowsers build upon these Dowsing course’s with talks and practical demonstrations of how dowsing could be used in every day life including passing on their years of experience by answering questions and providing support in each persons Dowsing path.
For further information and to sign up for any of these Dowsing learner course’s please visit
British Society Of Dowsing Course’s HERE