Waverley Dowsers will be runing a workshop to introduce attendees to both rod and pendulum dowsing on the 1st of October at the Unitarian Hall – (opposite the Esso Garage) Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB
0930 for registration for a 1000 hrs (10am) start – 1230 hrs for using your skills with rod dowsing
1330 for registration for 1400 hrs (2pm) start to 1600 hrs for pendulum dowsing
Cost for the separate sessions will be £15.00 or £25.00 for both sessions [ please let Ken know ]
Michael Haxeltine hopes to have a joining pack ready for emailing shortly
The workshop will briefly cover the history of dowsing, demonstration of making your one rod and pendulum, how the mind controls dowsing, finding objects in the hall, sensing a persons aura, feeling the aura, using just hands, dowsing counting with the pendulum, telling the time, finding compass directions .
If you have heard something about dowsing and you want it explained contact michael direct 01252 541 639
Please contact Geoff Mitchell the Chairman 01276 472 977 who will tell where to send your cheque to reserve your place on the Workshop
Some previous dowsing students might want to do a revision of these skills. If you decide to come bring a friend