An in depth look into Energy and Dowsing.
by ~Keith Harmon
Keith is Chair of both the Association of Energy Therapists (AET) and Middlesex and Surrey Archaeological Dowsers (MASAD) and Vice Chair of the International Association of Health Dowsers (IAHD). He is also on the Executive Team of the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA). Keith is experienced in many fields of dowsing and is a registered tutor with the British Society of Dowsers (BSD).
please bring your “L” rods to this event
Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 7.30 pm
Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming GU7 3JB
(A3100, opposite Esso Garage)
Entrance £5 (£8 non Waverley Dowsers members)