INTUITION an evening talk by John F Donaldson


At the Unitarian Hall, Godalming GU7 3JB 19.00 for 19.30 finishing 21.30

There are four natural functions; that is Intuition, Thinking, Feeling and Sensation. We have natural functional types of people, which over eons have tended to specialise in one of these, resulting in a type of in-balance. What is required or advised is that we seek balance, i.e. firstly we should recognise our own natural type and then how it relates to the others. If we can develop the under-used areas we can become a more balanced Being.

Everything exists by virtue of its opposite and equal complementary. Each function complements one other and opposes the other two. Intuition complements Feeling which complements Intuition, but both oppose Thinking and Sensation. Thinking complements Sensation which complements Thinking, but both oppose Feeling and Intuition. “Know Thy Self”!

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