Waverley dowsers has been busy recently with several talks and workshops which we haven’t published, below are write-ups provided by Michael Haxeltine on his experiences.

The first write up provided by Michael was on the map dowsing talk and demonstration by Waverley dowsers chairman Geoff Mitchell who worked up to the dowsing for Dragon energy lines using map dowsing.


21st 0ctober 2016 will go down as one of the most memorable and educating evenings in respect of the art and science of dowsing that has been heard at a Waverley Dowsers Meeting monthly meeting.

Firstly we managed to have a meeting in October in spite of the original speaker in the previous week was not able to attend that maintaining the Committees objective for a meeting each month.

Secondly the meeting on the 21st was enabled by Ken Collinson in establishing an operable WiFi link for Geoff to use in his talk.

Thirdly for the talk given by Geoff Mitchell  aided by a lap top computer connection. So what was special about the talk? The talk was on map dowsing  and away from the site dowsing i.e level lll. (level lll = remote dowsing)

He clearly demonstrated that information can be extracted from a picture or photograph as Colonel  Bell proved in the 30’s. He showed how information can be extracted from Google Earth with or with out “drawing tools.

Various locations were taken from Google Earth  by laptop and screened and co –ordinates were figuratively  drawn. This meant that a dowsing team could work in their own homes using the same plan/map sketch on the same surveying problem .

Geoff took us through the application of a drawing programme which enabled  the plethora energy lines  both surface and under surface to be plotted. This would enable  users to return in the future to see what changes if any had occurred   in the interval between survey and resurvey.

Map dowsing enables pre site work to be plotted and then confirmed on site  especially to thwart inclement weather.

Land owners could add information which could make the nuse of Map dowsing from Google earth even more useful for many reasons including planning a field day in any location.

A follow up is needed. Thank you Geoff and Ken for a most informative evening demonstrating the scope of map dowsing


Further dragon energy line investigations were done in the summer of 2016 by Waverely dowsers, here is an earlier report

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