October 11th Friday evening.

Kate Smart is planning to be talking about ‘Using your dowsing skills for gardening’ . Kate has a wide range in dowsing interests.

In this talk Kate will be sharing her dowsing experience with plants, elementals and devas. She will be musing about the wonder of soil and how to design happy and healthy borders with plants and their associated friends. If you bring a plant in a pot along to the meeting and your dowsing tools you can join in the conversation! A pen and paper would also be useful too.

Kate’s bio Kate runs Malvern Dowsers and the Spirituality Special Interest Group. She trained as a Landscape Architect 30 years ago and has run her own garden design business since then working in a spiritual, holistic and biodynamic way with nature. She’s a member of the Biodynamic Association, Royal Horticultural Society and Alister Hardy Trust (research into spiritual and psychic experiences). For some time she was a bee keeper and opened her garden for about 10 years under the National Garden Scheme raising funds for charity.

March 13th (wednesday evening 7.30 at the Unitarian Hall)

Richard Nissen will discuss Energy Lines in Gothic cathedrals.   He proposes that these ancient structures were intentionally located on sacred sites to foster a profound connection with the universe.   We will look at the extraordinary Cosmati Pavement in Westminster Abbey, the historic location, where the King was crowned, which holds a significant secret.  Positioned at the heart of the Abbey, it serves as the convergence point for two immensely potent energy lines.  Richard is a member of the Royal Institute of Navigation and a member of their animal navigation group (ANG). He attends their animal navigation conferences.   He is a dowser and a member of the British Society of Dowsers.

April 12th (normal friday evening 7.30)

Our AGM to elect the management team. (Why not visit a Committee Meeting and get an inside view? It could be seen as a way to increase your depth of knowledge in dowsing by also discussing and having a go; proposing events and visits).

Afterwards: a talk by Dee McNamara she will also describe how she uses Tarot Cards with help from her spiritual guides. Dee will display a set of her Tarot cards. After that she will ask interested people to think of something “on their mind” and then take one of the Tarot cards of their choice. She will then do a reading for all those that have taken a card (if they so want). If anyone wants to take a reading further (more advanced) just get dee to check her diary!

May 10th (normal friday evening 7.30)

Jackie Shellard will be talking on Spiritualism. Jackie says: “I don’t have an official profile or page as I have never felt the need. I am just me, a Wife, Mother, Nana, Auntie, Sister, Granddaughter, friend, carer. I have lived a life, like everyone else, that was filled with love and punctuated by sadness, trials and tribulations. All these things have taken me on a journey that led me to walk through the doors of a Spiritualist church 14 yrs ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect or why I was there, I have continued my journey, but now I recognise, realise and have started to understand all I have experienced, things that have happened …that I wasn’t mad but connected to spirit”.

Dowsing Events At Waverley Dowsers 2024

Friday 7.30pm Jan 12th

Adrian Incledon-Webber, author of ‘Back to Basics and House Clearing will be providing one of his fantastic talks filled with experiences and tips on using dowsing for all our lives. Adrian says; “We will begin by looking at the basics of house healing, i.e. What causes people’s homes to become detrimental in the first place? Then, by asking a series of questions, we can start to build a picture of our own homes and its effects on us. It is also important to make sure that all members of the family are well too”. Adrian will be describing some of the techniques he uses to clear the family and their homes. There will also be a short healing session at the end of the evening. This is a practical talk so why not bring a floor plan of your house (A4 size; accuracy is not critical, but it helps!) and your dowsing rods and/ or pendulum and a notebook (can be provided if not). Bio: Adrian is one of the foremost House Healers in the world and his two books, Heal Your Home I and II, have been described as the “Bibles of Geopathic Stress”. Copies may be purchased.

See Adrians Website –  www.dowsingspirits.co.uk

Friday 7.30 Feb 9th 

Andrew Edgar author of Consciousness of Trees along with the likes of Peter Wohlleben (author of The Hidden Life of Trees), and botanist Dr Suzanne Simard have argued that trees are capable of profound experiences of the world around them, and that they can communicate these experiences to other trees (through root systems, and the mycelia of fungi). Dowsers have long recognised that trees have auras, and indeed that these auras will expands as the dowser makes contact with the tree – an expression of the tree’s awareness that they are in contact with the dowser. In this talk I will explore, through my personal experience of dowsing with trees and in communion with spirit of place, how dowsing and science can give us an insight into the world of trees, and how we might come to understand and communicate with those trees. I will explain how we can trace the networks of communication that link trees, how we can find the protective mother tree within a group, and how patterns within the aura of a tree hint at the messages that the tree might have for us.  I began dowsing around 2005, attending courses supported by the British Society of Dowsers.  At that time I lived in Cardiff and, with my wife Grace, ran a Cardiff dowsing group affiliated to the BSD.  We have now moved to Lewes in East Sussex, and have set up a dowsing group through the Lewes branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A). Before my retirement in 2018, I had for some thirty years been a lecturer in Philosophy at Cardiff University. Google Andrew Edgar. Please check with Geoff, but we may be visiting some local tree sites during the afternoon of the 9th with Andrew and you are welcome to join us.

Visit us at Waverley Dowsers and bring a friend, the doors open at 7pm and talks start at 7.30pm – Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB

June 9th We shall be visiting Guildford Cathedral GU2 7UP (locating the Dragon lines that it was built upon).   We are meeting at 19.00 around the wooden cross at the Eastern end of the Cathedral, but turn up at any time and find us.  The carpark is on the North side.  This is an external investigation and if convenient to the authorities we may be able to visit the interior too.  The views are good and these may be important to what we are finding.  Bring your own tools, but we can supply them too so that you can join in the fun, bring a friend and introduce them to the world of the Invisible Universe.

We are a varied group of interested parties with a wide range of abilities.  We advertise locally, but rely on word of mouth and curiosity to attract our visitors.  Membership is £15pa and if we are incurring expenses at an event we charge £5 for members and £8 for non-members. We run a free book borrowing library, supply free “tools” and a Committee approves and runs all of the events.  We also latch onto various Zoom meetings, run by other such Groups, from around the Country.  For details please contact:

Geoff Mitchell  Chair/ Sec.  07770 89 89 09       geoffcmitchell@gmail.com    www.waverleydowsers.co.uk

Gillie will share her experience and stories of how she became the Guardian of Crystal Skulls and how they seek and find her and how they work through her to bring light codes down to Earth and create balance.  
She will bring and show some of her Crystal and Stone skulls and tell of the adventures she has had with these wonderful beings.

Come to this fascinating talk on friday the 12th May 2023 at the Waverley Dowsers meeting held at the Unitarian hall, Godalming. Doors open at 7pm and the talks start at 7:30pm.

Amy began making essences in 2010, having been trained as a Bach Flower Therapist. Her mission is to spread the word about flower essences and their powerful way in which they bring you back to your self, to your soul path, to allow yourself to be the best that you can be and to find your purpose in life.

Her award winning skin care and aromatherapy essence products contain natural plant based ingredients.
Created with love and chosen for their vibrational quality. Come and find out more.

We will be meeting at our Normal Venue
Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming Surrey. GU7 3JB
Doors open at 7.00 for a 7.30 start. Close at 21.30 pm.

Biofield tuning is a deeply relaxing complementary sound therapy tailored to assist in rebalancing.
It is working with the body and its energy field using tuning forks.

Rather than treating specific disorders, Biofield Tuning helps ‘raise the voltage’ of the body’s electromagnetic system, giving it more energy to do what it is designed to do – self heal.

Our body is permeated and surrounded by a field of electromagnetic energy.
Our memories reside as standing waves in our fields and any trauma(stress,illness,injury) show up in the field as areas of resistance, which can be tuned and cleared with the resonance from the forks.

We will be meeting at our Normal Venue
Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming Surrey. GU7 3JB
7.00 for 7.30 pm close 21.30 pm.

Find us opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100. leading out of Godalming into Guildford
Parking Limited but a car park across the road.
Meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the month.
£5.00 members £8.00 guests.

Please bring along and introduce a friend to a new experience
Free refreshments available during meeting
All welcome

Friday September 9th:  Unitarian Hall; Our Mike Haxiltine is chatting on his major interest on Bovis Units as a means of getting a handle on how important something is in the scheme of things.   Mike has studied this over the years and feels it to be a very useful technique for supporting what one finds in dowsing. Download Mikes books for Free – https://independent.academia.edu/MikeHaxeltine

Friday October 14th: Unitarian Hall; we have a guest speaker Anna Knowles talking about Biofield Tuning. See https://www.a-soulful-space.co.uk/about-me-1  and/ or  https://www.a-soulful-space.co.uk/biofield-tuning

Friday November 11th; Unitarian Hall; we need to confirm this one, but otherwise I shall be giving a talk on what it is to be a Wizard; which is very relevant to being a dowser.

Friday December 9th; Unitarian Hall; Our Christmas chat and share evening with added mince pies!  Please say if you would like to give a short chat on your own experiences or favourite subject?

Fri, Dec. 10th. Doors open 19.15; Unitarian Hall Godalming. Free entry!

Christmas is back as expected once more at Waverley dowsers and we have a chance to spread some seasonal good cheer. For those who haven’t been previously to a Waverley gathering, it is an evening of chat and discussion between ourselves, an opportunity to view the groups sharing book library and perhaps to bring some of your books to share with others. We will have tables of nibbles for you to enjoy, please feel free to bring along any home made cakes and drinks to share as it is the time sharing.

For members and guests; it is a chance to get to know each other better and swap stories, we like dowsing stories of holidays and dowsing in exotic places as well as the Sacred sites of Britain. The ethos of our Group is to encourage the Art of Dowsing and to swap dowsing tips. We also have a YouTube channel where we have posted some great dowsing articles, videos, lectures and photos, please visit it here

We will be providing some Dowsing class’s in the new year so do come along and discuss what you are interested in.

John will be providing a simple guide into Radionics and how it works.
“Energy is neither created or destroyed but infinite and universal. By tapping into this and the use of one’s natural intuition or sensation, it is possible to achieve healing, only dependent on the individual ability to respond”
John will demonstrate a simple method of pendulum dowsing to determine an answer that anyone should be able to use.

Radionics is a Science based use of Dowsing and the use of subtle energies in healing and forewarning. While mainly used for dignostic purposes of pretty much anything, it can even takes dowsing one step further by providing machines designed to do the diagnostic dowsing for you. Radionics has a history of inventive and discovery through the use of experiments which exclude the human element and can provide consistent results.

Investigate Radionics here

John F Donaldosn will be at waverley Dowsers on the 12/11/2021, the doors will be open from 7pm and the talk will begin at 7.30pm, there will be a break before John will be available for a Q&A session. Please bring your own refreshments as the kitchan is not available at the moment.

Venue – Unitarian Hall Meadrow Godalming Surrey. GU7 3JB
(Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 towards Godalming, nr Guildford) Wheelchair friendly

If you have any questions please contact the Chairman Geoffrey Mitchell on 01276 472977

The secrets of the Honey Bee a journey into the healing hive

After a near fatal encounter with blood sucking ticks in the Surrey Hills and after many years of chronic illness Dr Gerry discovered the magical healing of the honey bee venom for Lyme Disease. Dr Gerry talks about the ancient medicinal history of honey bees, along with the current day scientific evidence of their uses in treating over 800 human disorders and diseases, as well as current day veterinary uses of bee products.

The mystical and magical honey bee, is probably one of nature’s most comprehensive and revered alchemists.

Venue: Unitarian Hall Meadrow Godalming Surrey. GU7 3JB

Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100

Meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the month.

Check our website for more information


Covid 19 Please pre book with the chair, Geoff Mitchell on 01276472977 or by email to

geoff@geoffcmitchell.co.uk. Numbers are limited to 30. We are not using the kitchen so bring your

own refreshments. Helpful if you can take a lateral flow test before coming and please do not turn up if

you feel unwell on the day. Face coverings optional.

The Waverley Dowsers Society is both a fun and a scientific group.

We meet to learn and practice dowsing.

This includes earth energy forces which can adversely and beneficially affect our houses,

gardens and work places. and a lot more. Also learn about hands on energy for healing.

International Dowsing Day will be upon us shortly on 5th May. But it appears that much will be made of the weekend 2nd and 3rd May, if the chance is found.    I’m not a great one for making a special day for celebration; except that it probably does get “the word” mentioned more widely.    Every day is Dowsing Day!?

As Chair, I’m conscious of wishing everyone, in our Waverley and Dowsing circles, a safe journey through this virus crisis.   Any time is a good excuse to chat to each other about this and that, and about our own dowsing, so if you haven’t done so already, do try and connect with each other and say what you think, and what you have found.    This crisis has created a period of enforced rest on us all and even though this will be an anxiety for some, due, say, to loss of income and the like, it should be viewed as a message for us; at all levels.  

What sort of message/ meaning are you getting from your asking of simple questions?   The fundamental is that you know how to “ask”… then comes the creation of balance in your mind when “asking”, i.e. no “axe to grind” and the calmness to accept YES or NO answers with equality.   If you feel that you are still uneasy then go for permissions.  The may I, should I and can I, should be seen as confidence boosters and not as plain nagging for you to be careful.   If you do get a NO then do ask if protection is needed and if you get YES to that, then ask if a protection technique, that you know of, will enable you to continue.

If so, then implement your protection and ask for permissions again.   The whole principle of dowsing manifestation works very well if you are calm and confident.   If you keep getting a NO then change the question and try again… or “try again later”!.    Play the Devil’s advocate with yourself until you feel that you are “ready” to ask.    Having said that (like you will then get perfect answers), you must realise that there is always room for error.   This is of less importance than the effort and feeling that you respectively insert and extract from the practice of “asking”.   We can all “play” the piano, but before we become “competent” we need to play our scales over and over (I didn’t like doing my scales and gave up, but I can still make a noise).

All I can say to encourage you is that Spirit will slowly ease off giving you a hard time, once you know what you are addressing and that they can trust you.   Spirit loves us all and will not let us “fall”; unless we ask for such! Most importantly you should approach it all as fun.   This lightness of touch will confound any negativity.  Privately, tell each other what you may care to have predicted, and keep a note of how it turns out.   To prevent paradox, one must see the future as “not written yet”.   If anything changes significantly, between now and the predicted event, then the outcome may be significantly different.    This might explain why Oracles never gave answers in an unambiguous form? 

Note well; that you must practice the experience of being proved correct.   This is quite shocking and leads to “thoughts of grandeur”, which will give your ego a jolt.   The only way to overcome this, and stay humble, is to keep doing it until you ego doesn’t even flicker.    Plus, I must recommend that you ask yourself “why do I want to know”?  If the answer is “for training purposes” then carry on, otherwise analyse where you are taking a particular line of questioning.

The important bit is to never “beat yourself up”; everything that you do is for a purpose and however it turns out it is a lesson to be learnt; don’t dump your common sense.   Keep a lookout for events around you that maybe coincidental or odd/ unusual….  If you do notice these then you just ask “was that for me?”.   Most of the time you get a NO, but when you do get a YES then have a little drill down and see how far you get.   If this gets a little “hairy” then don’t forget the confidence boosters above!

When the Government says we can all go out to play again, we will get back on track with our regular Friday meetings (and an AGM).  Hopefully we might get a warm evening outside… before it gets cold again?   A weekend version… maybe a visit to Glastonbury?

If being stuck indoors is getting a little “twitchy” for you, then try some map dowsing or finding what is present in your own house or garden?    If you are stuck for answers on how to find or proceed, or you have questions about what we do, then send me an email and let’s chat about it;    Geoff@geoffcmitchell.co.uk  …   I’m not going anywhere!   Remember that if you want to “progress” then it is up to you to do the “finding”.   No one is pushing you to be “progressive”.  Whatever you feel is right is correct for you. If I think you are trying to “move on” I will give you encouragement.   I’m always trying to move on myself and I’m grateful that you might help me do so too.

You can catch up and have some joy with the Waverley Dowsers Youtube channel for some great videos of the visiter talks and sites we have been too, (don’t forget to read the text with each video as they complete the story)

Love and light and have fun,


Spiritual Health with Jane Butterworth: Waverly Dowsers, Unitarian Hall, Godalming GU7 3JB 19.30 Friday 14th Feb

Jane Butterworh has been a qualified SRN and moved into Spiritual healing after many years of working as a Nurse. Jane is qualifed in many of the popular Spiritual healing facilitations. She will be providing a talk and practical guidance on Spiritual health as well as answering all questions pertaining to the following subjects alongside her long experience of professional healing. To discover more about Jane, please visit her website – Jane Butterworh Here.

Spiritual Healing
National Federation of Spiritual Healers

Crystal Healing
International College of Crystal Healing
OCN accredited

Sound Healing
(Tim) Wheater Sound Academy

Soul Rescue Healing 
Sacred Healers (Terry & Natalia O’Sullivan)
Advanced Level Certificate

Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

Jane Butterworth works mainly in the south-east of England and is based in the beautiful Saxon and Georgian town of Godalming, Surrey, which is just south of Guildford. She has built up a strong reputation for her professional approach to spiritual and psychic work.

Originally she trained as an SRN at University College Hospital, London and for several years specialised in Intensive Care and Acute Medical nursing. This background not only supports and enhances her understanding of the holistic model of medicine, but also attracted the role of teaching Anatomy & Physiology to Crystal Healing students. Jane is now working professionally to modernise the image of all forms of spiritual healing in the UK and is a Trustee of the Confederation of Healing Organisations.

Training: Jane is fully trained and insured to practise, with over 30 years of formal experience. All Healing therapies listed, initially, took 2 years to complete their training courses, with the exception of Soul Rescue, which takes a minimum of 3 years and is part of a continuous training program. Jane now holds the Advanced Level Certificate and was made Secretary of the Soul Rescue Society. Other training courses have been undertaken over the years to further experience and understanding.


Michael Haxeltine who ias the author of four books on how to master dowsing has made his current book on dowsing available as a Free download, you can also order printed copies of the book direct from him.

To read a copy of this book please click on the download link and feel free to share with all those who may have a passing interest in dowsing or who you might like to entice with entry to this fabulous ancient art.


Male and Female Dragon lines at the Rollright Stone Circle
Sacred Dragon lines at the StoneHenge circle, two equal matching pairs of Dragon lines
Sacred Dragon lines at the ancient Henge of Old Sarum later turned in to a fortress by iron age tribes and then by the Romans before the Normans tried to make it a Spiritual capital.
The Ring of Brodgar in the Orkney Isles, male and female Dragon lines at this ancient site
The Stenness Stone circle and two sacred Spiritual Dragon lines of male and female
Avebury Henge and its complex interplay of Spiritual Dragon lines flowing through Britain’s most Sacred and Spiritual location
Figsbury Ancient Henge, the stones long gone but the Dragons remain

What a lovely evening Waverley dowsers had on friday, working our way through two of the most powerful yogic meditation exercises on the planet led by a master wizard of the art.

Below you will find two PDF documents of both meditative exercises for you to practise in your own time, please feel free to share either this page or both documents.

Waverley Dowsers’ Training Day at the Unitarian Hall GU7 3JB in Godalming; Saturday October 5th.

Basic training from 10.00 to 12.00 and advanced-basic from 13.00 to 15.00

with half time breaks, tea and biccies supplied; why not join us with a packed lunch?

Cost is £10 per session or £15 for both.   You can pay on the day if you just turn up.

This training is about bringing newcomers up to speed on the what and how of Dowsing.  

It is also open to membership to be able to sit in for free and support what is going on by helping others.  

This can also be considered further training for those who have mastered the art.

There are several approaches on offer by teachers from our own Membership. No need to book… any questions please ring Geoff

Come along and have some fun…. Bring a friend?

Geoff     Chair at Waverley    01276 472977/  07770 89 89 09

What we in the northern hemisphere call Dragons are generally called Serpents in the ancient world in the rest of the world. In the high northern latitudes we get the chance to see real live Dragons enter the Earth through the poles and although Dragons or Dragon lines flow throughout and all over the Earth, it is only near the poles are they hot enough to cause burns. Here is a short video of science reasoning for Dragons which can also be found under the Electric Universe theorys if you wish to understand the science/biology of these Plasma creatures who are the Spiritual beings known throughout human history, first as Dragons/Serpents in the ancient cultures of pre-history and still recogised in Asia and the northern climates as creatures of good.


Sept. 7th .Sat. “BSD AGM & Conference”; Worcester. Geoff is Attending and is happy to car share if any wishes to join him.

Sept.13th. Fri. John Baker “An Experienced Practical Dowser recalls” John will talk about his experiences as a proffesional dowser over the years, the great thing about dowsing is, that you only need the idea, and then you should be able to emulate.

Oct. 5th.Sat. “Dowsing Training day”; two courses, one in the morning starting at 10.00am and one in the afternoon starting at 2pm –  An introduction to and basic dowsing training in the morning, ideal for you to introduce family and friends to an interesting pastime –  the afternoon dowsing session will build on the morning session and introduce dowsers to concepts and practical dowsing that will take most dowsers out of the comfort zones. (prices are £10 per session or £15 for the whole day)

Oct.11th.Fri. David Charman “Energy Viewing”, practical tips and interactive exercises with demonstrations on how to see human energy fields and interpret them.

Nov.8th. Fri. Ken Collinson “Connecting with Love Within and Without”, using two unique meditation’s that will connect you to the love within your heart with a beautiful Bhuddists meta meditation which will open up your heart to the frequencys of love and aid in cleaning away any hurt that resides within, this will be followed after a short discussion and break with the wonderful Yogic style meditation that will connect your heart energies to the love of heaven and Earth while providing the opportunity to share that love to people or to Gaia in a transformational act of giving.

Dec.13th.Fri. “Christmas Fun” Lots of chat, mince pies and the odd short presentation.

Jan.10th.Fri. Chris Jacob “Homeopathy” Benefits in Health and Wellbeing.

Jan.(16th). Christmas Meal at a Local Hostalry.

Feb.14th.Fri. (Elizabeth Brown “Special Dowsing”. To be confirmed).

Mar.13th.Fri. Peter Knight – Peter has a new book Albion Dreamtime just published on the Spiritual mysteries and landscapes of Britain a labour of love this is a fascinating book on the spiritual landscapes and interactions of humans in the use of that landscape over millennium.

Apr.3rd.Fri. AGM and shorter lecture.

May.8th.Fri. Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare “Branches to the Belinius Line”.

June & July.Fri. We try and get out and about, locally, in the warmer weather.

July.(19th.) Sun. “Members’ Picnic Lunch”

July.26th.Sun. Rustic Sunday, Milford.

You will find this Diary of events on the Events page for future inspection and updates or changes will be published on the events page, if anything is changed or canceled it will be also placed on the news page – here, members get a separate email on updates as well as information for private or members only events.

Plus whatever turns up!  So please do your own investigations and let us know if they would be suitable for a WD visit.

Our programme has included:-

  • Basic and advanced training
  • Chakras in humans and animals
  • Dowsing to aid a local historians’ researches
  • Visits to Dowsing Sites, local and far.
  • Energy lines which run the length and breadth of the UK
  • Water dowsing
  • Sharing our Experiences
  • Crystal communication & Guest Speakers

Our Members give talks on the many aspects of Dowsing to all manner of groups and we run research projects.

In a nutshell we learn about environmental issues locally, globally and historically

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