Considering that Avebury is a hours drive for most of the Waverley dowsers and in one case nearly 2 hours, it was a fantastic turnout with over a dozen members making their own way to this most ancient of Spiritual monuments. After a gathering and a coffee while waiting for the final personel, we started at the very location inside the outer stone circle of the Henge which graces the Waverly dowsers front page of the website. There are multiple energies communicating at this location and you could be there for many hours documenting the different types and patterns.
Waverley dowsers members visited Avebury on a previous occasion with the BSD SI group of Earth Energies, you can read that here

After spending some fifty minutes at this location following thr spiral patterns and discovering the stones communications with those multiple patterns, the group moved on to the what has been termed by modern users as ‘The Cove’ two large stones (male and female) that today stand alone like lovers in a tiff, together, but not quite as there energies connect to each other and the third stone still standing from an original stone circle no long gone.

Then the group moved on to the next segment of the site and had a picnic on top of the embankment before descending and joining the male Dragon line though the ancient gate of the outer circle and in to what is another inner stone circle which has long been wrongly re-sited. Fun was had here and several members took healing from the male Dragon. Although it wasn’t the only member who encountered a tearful release on the day.

After a quick pit stop at the pub, the group split up to indulge in separate fantasys of ice cream, beer .. oops, I mean engagment with the Avenue and the writhing serpent path of the male Dragon line while also getting thier energies massage by the stones, the second group went to discover West Kennet long barrow and impressive as it is, neither fullfilled the desires of another group who wandered to find the female Dragon of the famed Mary line and engage with her.

A great day out with several catching the Sun at this world famous Serpent Henge.

Below is a great montage of the most popular aspects of Avebury henge and its Sacred environment.

This is an outside visit for us at Waverley dowsers, to have a look at what can be found at a Church site. Not only is this good practise for your dowsing, but it can be excellent for dowsers who want to enquire further. Note that although it was built to be consecrated in 1902, relatively modern, it has a South placed tower and spire and is as about as far away from an East-West orientation one could get and still call it that… why? General info… and view it on Google Earth, OS maps etc.

The Church is on the A286 (West side) just above Haslemere (2.5KM SW). Opposite the Church is the Village Hall and we hope we shall be able to use their extensive car park. Just above the Church is a footpath to what is described as a moat (1KM). This is reported as supporting a farmhouse once, but is now a flat area surrounded by a stream-fed moat with some trees and a bridge over the moat water. I wonder what you might find here? There are other features in the area, but it will all depend how the time goes. Bring appropriate footwear and your favourite tools… we have spares if needed.

Kim Aldridge, Kinesiologist Practitioner, (Cert. A.S.K., dip. A&P) has been working from her clinic The Olive Tree, for almost five years.  Her clients range from those with minor ailments, to more serious symptoms and visit from all over the UK and abroad. Systematic Kinesiology uses painless muscle testing to detect and rectify imbalance within the body and to facilitate self healing.  Kim’s expertise lies in helping clients with emotional stress release, digestive, weight loss and hormone related issues using a range of tools and techniques.

Kim will provide demonstrations of the technique, and questions are most welcome.   In addition to Kinesiology, The Olive Tree offers a full range of complementary therapies along with the hugely popular RejuvaDetox (weight loss) and RejuvaLymph (lymph drainage) programmes.

The talk will occur at our normal meeting hall, the Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey,  GU7 3JB – bring a friend for this interesting talk, tea and biscuits supplied, start time is 7.30, doors open at 7.00pm

There have been some changes made to the British society of Dowsers spring symposium, to understand all the changes made, please visit the BSD website for the latest updates:

Starting on monday the 8th April we have the Sun and Moon Easter festival, this year there will be three different dowsers attending and each providing three ninety minute workshops over the course of the week. Waverley dowsers will have two trainers at the Sun and Moon festival with Geoff and Ken both providing individual class’s along with Jane Gambrill who will have her own itinerary for teaching her specialist subject. To check out this festival which is being held in Tidworth see the link below, there will be over twelve hours of dowsing beeing taught and we plan to make an excursion from the festival to one of the nearby ancient sites, Tidworth is not far from Stone Henge, Figsbury and Old Sarum Henges have been mentioned as well as Avebury Henge so plenty of sites to visit over the course of the week. please follow the link below to see the full programme:

and don’t forget if you are going to any ancient sites for dowsing, take plenty of photos and if you wish we can add them to the Waverley dowsers Youtube channel along with a little write up.

The Waverley dowsers AGM will consist of discussions for dowsing events such as site visits to locations where we can practise dowsing as well as settling dates for our annual training class’s and speakers for the upcoming year, participation in the form of site visit suggestions from our members are always welcome. Ken Collinson will be providing a talk on Tree diversity and sprinkling his talk with Tree knowledge and some Wizardry lore. Ken has a website for encouraging the planting of Tree’s. Do bring your dowsing rod or pendulum as Ken will have some exercises for you to try out during this talk. Below is a link to the article providing information and argument for individual action in expanding diversity in the British countryside.

Adrian who has provided talks at Waverley dowsers in recent years on his popular book ‘Heal Your Home’ returns to talk about something close to his heart and lends from his tours and walkabouts at the many Sacred and Holy sites visted in his latest book ‘Spirit & Earth’. Adrian will be sharing his knowledge and experiences at Waverley dowsers Unitarian hall in Godalming on the 8th March 2019, the doors open at 7pm for a start at 7.30pm. He will bring along his books and DVD’s which he will be happy to sign for you.

So what makes a site Holy and is that actually different from a Sacred Place?

We cannot know for sure what our ancestors were truly thinking when they built Avebury and Stonehenge but what we do know is that they were and still are important worship sites.

So, was the siting of these monuments to do with the pre-existing energy patterns or for some other reason?

What was considered the first Sacred Site or Holy Place, and what makes them so?

How strong a part does human emotion and intent play in all this?

What influence does Mother Nature and her Elementals have at these sites?

Are spirits more active at these sacred sites and how do we deal with them?

What was the very first Sacred Space and the first Holy Site?

During his talk Adrian will hopefully answer these and many other interesting questions.

Adrian is a former Vice President of the British Society of Dowsers, past chair of their Earth Energies Group and Dowsing for Health Group.

He is well known for his talks, workshops and courses on dowsing related subjects. He is an author and film maker, his DVD ‘Intuition’, his books ‘Heal Your Home’, (described as the bible of geopathic stress) and co-authored ‘Spirit and Earth’ will be available on the evening.

Adrians main website for books and resources (you will also find Adrian is on the Waverley dowsers friends page)

Adrians short talk on House healing familier to Waverley dowsers from previous talks:

Roger Taylor has been investigating ‘life energies’ for many years, he is a keen follower of the “torsion-field” theory and the the spin of atoms and their secondary energies which can be understood and quantified. With many years of investigation and experimentations with growth enhancement and understanding of Pyramid energy, Roger will be sharing his years of research with Waverley dowsers at the Unitarian Hall on February 8th at 7.30 pm. Below is a short synopsis from Roger on his fascinating talk.

Roger will tell how he first began experimenting with dowsing on a small pyramid which took him along to understanding that he was responding to what has been called (among many names) “life energy”. This is now understood to be an influence promoting order, or organisation. Thus it is a syntropic influence – best understood in physics by the Russian “torsion-field” theory. He went on to develop a quantitative method, and identified various sources, and to show how such a syntropic influence would enhance seedling growth, and charge water so that it became dowsable. Later developing a method to dowse entropic influences (such as combustion), and showed that they could and would inhibit seedling growth.

A much ignored subject by the mainstream but providing consistent positive results for many investigators in over fifty years of research culminating with the building of the Russian Pyramids.

Further self investigation for our members can be found below:

Torsion Fields Summary

Russian Pyramid investigations and use

Inerton Theory

Mountain Pyramids shaped or built by Man

The human body contains upwards of 70 TRILLION cells, depending on who’s estimation you are likely to read, the estimated number goes up each year as science improves. There are also many billions of non-native cells in the human body in our intestines, on our skin and in every orifice you care to point at.

Each and every cell respires and excretes waste and each cell also requires energy. All human cells when healthy have an electrical voltage of approx. 22 -25 electron volts (negative electric) which is a very tiny amount of electricity, if the cell has too much electricity or not enough the cell and the organ can become unhealthy. Normally the body regulates the voltage in each cell but if your diet is too acid, or too alkaline then the body can struggle to keep an equilibrium of healthy bio-energy in the body.

You can dowse your health by asking the appropriate questions.

  1. Does my body contain too much negative electricity ? (if the answer is yes, then reduce the alkaline foods in your diet)
  2. Does my body contain too much positive electricity ? (if the answer is yes, reduce the acidic foods in your diet)
  3. You can also ask these questions in relation to a painful part of your joints, as it has been suggested that arthritis is related to too much positive volts in the area of the painful joint

Other quick ways to balance the body is to find ways to allow the body to dump or discharge the excess electricity, this can be done by walking barefoot outside on grass or even better on a sandy beach for 30 minutes or so and the body will discharge through the soles of the feet, you can feel yourself getting more balanced almost immediately you try this.

There are technology tricks available that will do a similar task of discharging excess electricity from the body.

  1. You can purchase bed mats that plug into the wall socket, these you would sleep on and the body will discharge through the bed mat while asleep, the electricity will earth through the lead and plug.
  2. You can drink lots of water or electrolytic liquids like coconut water, but these methods can also deplete you of essential minerals, so be careful.

There is a forum at which welcomes allcomers from around the world to post their dowsing experiences, if you can add to this discussion please visit and join in.

Advanced Busby pebbles talk and training for all participants, Professional dowser and healer Steve Taylor will be sharing his Busby Pebbles technique with an advanced session. Steve will have a selection of Pebbles available, but we suggest you bring your own pebble from the garden with you just in case there is not enough to go around.

Steve Taylor will be demonstrating the Busby Pebble technique of anchoring intent to a pebble for the purposes of, in this instance, healing and wellbeing.

The pebble with the intent to heal applied can be given to the recipient for whom the healing is focused and intended for and the healing will transfer over the suitable time period.

Everyone will be able to have a turn at this and should come along to the meeting with someone in mind for whom they would like to create a Busby pebble for.

The advance part of the technique is where we will all attempt a group cosmic energy busby pebble with everyone focusing their energy to one recipient.
The course/talk will start at 7.30pm at the Unitarian hall (our normal meeting place) and there will be a break for tea and biscuits as normal.
Feel free to bring your friends for this unique instruction and bring a spare pebble if you can.
Visit Stephens website for Geopathic surveys and water well exploration:

PROGRAMME  December 2018 – February 2019

Meetings start at 2pm  Doors open 1.40pm.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,

St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

Sunday 13 January: Keshe Technology – GANS and Plasma with
Oliver Perceval and Malcolm Bosher

GANS plasma is a new alchemical substance.. It has applications in healing, agriculture, power production, and decontamination.

Oliver and Malcolm will share the background, key principles, concepts and applications of this technology that is given to mankind by Mr Keshe of the Keshe Foundation.

Oliver is an architect and geomancist who now works for Keshe Foundation Global Management Team, helping develop the first factories to get GANS to a wider market.

Malcolm is experimenting and sharing the knowledge in many practical ways, and gathering amazing feedback and testimonials.

There will also be a ‘plasma cocoon’ in which you can experience the effects of the energy fields emitted by water which has been informed by the GANS substances.

It is possible to learn to make it yourself in your home from zinc and copper.

Sunday 10 February: Healing in Crop Circles and the Other Side
of the Coin! with Lucy Pringle

Lucy Pringle is a professional aerial photographer, author and lecturer. She is a founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and is widely known as an international authority on the subject. She is a pioneer researcher into the effects of electromagnetic fields on living systems.

Lucy will share with us stories of remarkable experiences she has had during thirty years of researching changes that can happen to people, animals and indeed electrical equipment as a result of spending time inside and in close proximity to crop circles.

To put her work in context, Lucy will also explain some of the scientific aspects of her research, the current focus of which is to find temporary relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

After the tea break, you will have the opportunity to dowse some photos of crop circles.

The best news in British dowsing for many a year has just been announced with the re-creation of what was once known as the BSD Dowsing forum has been spun out of the BSD website and set up once again for Dowsers world wide to participate in. The British Dowsing Forum as it is now known includes all the original content and discussions going back to 2004 and is a massive resource for the Dowsing fraternity. Pretty much every subject has been discussed and advice given although we know that dowsing does not stand still as new information, skills and discovery’s become known by each successive generation of dowsers.

This new website resource also contains the Earth Energies Group archives of letters which in itself is an in-valuable resource and introduces renowned dowsers to us all along with some great information.

Do visit this new website, add it to your book marks/favourites and sign up to the forum to add your contributions and share with your dowsing friends.

Sunday 9 December: AURA SOMA : Beyond Colour with Jeanine Brownrigg Hanneman

Beyond Colour is a newly inspired vision of Aura-Soma for the time that is to come, to help you hear the message and benefits that Aura-Soma can offer on your journey of self-discovery.

Jeanine is an Aura-Soma Colour Care Consultant and registered practitioner. She has been working with Aura-Soma for over 20 years and has used the bottles and essences extensively to support her own journey of inner transformation.

The vibrations of the beautiful colours, oils and essences offer a mirror to your soul to bring awareness to your greatest gifts, where you are on your journey and what you need to release to allow your light to shine.

There will be an opportunity to experience and purchase some of the products, others may be ordered through Jeanine via her email address

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,

St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

.   Refreshments available .


Here is a wonderful montage of photographs taken at Rosslyn Chapel and Rosslyn Castle in 2015. There is a surprise for dowsers with this video in that you are invited to dowse the photographs, if you watch the video on YouTube through our new Waverley dowsers YouTube channel, you will be able to read the text associated with this great video montage of photos and the instructions on what to dowse and the questions to ask.

Click here to visit the Waverley Dowsers YouTube Channel


The photos include magical symbols that you can dowse used by the Templars and the Masons, both who have been working within the Chapel over the hundreds of years since it was founded.


Rory Duff who has been dowsing Dragon lines for a number of years and is based at Bristol dowsers has sent out a statement which aligns with what the Wayfinder Wizards have been saying for the last forty years or so, Dragons are important for our health and well being, enjoy Rory’s clarion call.

Many people around the World are sensing something different is happening to them. Social media groups like ‘The Event is happening’ are accumulating thousands of followers. Some people are sensing lies more easily and others are even feeling other people’s pain. These all seem to have coincided with a change in the Earth’s energy lines. Since the summer of 2017 the lines have started to get wider. Since January 2018 new galactic energies/ cosmic energies have been getting past our three reducing magnetic shields (The Earths, the Sun’s and the Local Cloud in which our solar system has been moving through). These new incoming energies have led to a new pair of Emperor Dragon Type 5 energy lines appearing on the surface of the Earth. Predictive dowsing suggests that two more pairs are due in 2019. This will give us a total of six pairs of the most powerful of Dragon lines. With the three magnetic shields reducing in strength, research has shown that the increase in cosmic energy is leading to changes to our DNA. These energies are also interacting with the Sun and the Earth’s Iron Nickel inner core which then, in turn, sends out spherical standing waves of very low frequency sound waves. It is this that is driving the increasing widths of these energy lines that we are dowsing on the surface.

We know that living on these energy lines can affect us both in positive and negative ways, depending on our own attitude, and we also know that their intersections can be places of great power but now it seems that they are also connected to what some are calling the coming Golden Age.

All around the World we find the similar and predominant symbolism of large Snakes, Serpents and Dragons compared to all other animals. The Ouroborus, the Snake that has its tail in its mouth, is found symbolised across cultures and countries. Samples can be found in South America, China, Scandinavia, Egypt, India and Europe.

Having looked at the myths and legends that go with these particular symbols it become easy to see their connection to the large earth energy lines that circle our planet.

This similarity is also included in some of the well-known prophecies. The Q’ero Inca prophecy talks of galactic energy that emanates across space towards the Earth. It talks of 12 Malku, or Energy workers, that will have all arrived back on Earth, having come though portals or gateways, just before the new Age begins. The Hopi Indian blue Kachina prophecy talks about the new Age beginning seven years after the twins have reappeared on the Earth. The twins are known as the God of the North Pole and the South Pole. The new pair of Emperor Dragon lines that reappeared run from the North to the South Pole and on closer inspection of the prophecy, they could well represent the twins. If this is right we are now in a seven year transition zone.

Even the more recent prophecies seem to mirror this connection between snakes and earth energies and the coming new age. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the great German writer, statesman and philosopher, wrote a Fairy tale called the Green Snake and the beautiful Lily. A new interpretation of this story shows that the Green Snake is the only one that knows when the prophecy is going to happen. In the story the snake too slides into an Ouroborus shape and is quite clearly a symbol for these energies.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Steiner Schools and Anthroposophy, spent many years trying to understand Goethe’s fairy story. He too recognised that a new Epoch was coming and that the Earth’s environment would change again. He went on to say that it would give us the chance again to evolve our consciousness. He talked of a return to a form of Group Soulness. During the last few thousand years we have been experiencing a form of Individual Soulness. This time around Steiner says we are better positioned to take advantage of what is coming.

There now appears to be a cyclical nature with the galactic energies getting through to the Earth. Over large timescales the Earth seems to be passing in and out of magnetic regions of Space like the Local Cloud. Now knowing the DNA changing effect that an increase in cosmic energies has on humans, we can perhaps see how Steiner’s different and changing evolutionary Epoch’s could fit with the shielding and non-shielding effect of passing through different regions of magnetic fields in space. A group Soulness, according to Rudolf Steiner, would bring back a group mentality where telepathy and clairvoyance were common place. That may seem great but it appears we would also feel each other’s fears and pain as well.

The question now though is what we should do. For that we can look to see what the Earth Energy lines have been teaching us over the last few years.

When mapping lines it became apparent that some of the lines had been moved in the past. It was re-discovered by the well-known dowser Hamish Miller that lines could be moved again. This has resulted in understanding what good looks like when the lines are moved to where they wanted to be.

This has led to realising that what is important are the intersections and the numbers and types of lines that meet at these places, which are called nodes. These sacred places, or energy intersections, are dynamic in that the energy they contain varies constantly in direction, shape and form. What is really significant though is that they can take on a symmetrical shape. When this happens, or when nodes are repaired so that this is the outcome, we find specific energy shapes occurring just four times a year.

It is these four occasions, whilst on their sacred sites, that our ancestors back in the Stone Age, and even in some places the Bronze Age, spent time together in group meditation.

The energies on these occasions seem to provide an environment that benefits the human mind and body in many different ways. In many of the prophecies we are told to gather and pray or meditate if we are to benefit and evolve our consciousness.

For these reasons it is now thought that we must all pray or meditate in groups again in the lead up to the new Age which now appears to be less than 7 years away if the Hopi Indians have their numbers right.

Waverley Dowsers have their own Dragons flowing through the Unitarian hall, so any activity around meditation, Prayer or other heartfelt activities such as Singing or Yoga are hugely beneficial to the Dragons and the Planet and these beautiful heartfelt thoughts will be carried around the globe. Rory will be speaking in January in Bristol on Earth Energies, Leylines and Nodes and more of Rory’s research can be found at his website

Waverley dowsers who have been dowsing Dragon lines at Churches and ancient sacred sites understand the need for Dragons to be highly considered and agree with Rory to connect with Dragons as much as possible.

Peter Knight and his Wonderful Talk on Dragons in Culture, Religion and the Landscape

When Peter Knight came to Waverley dowsers to share his twenty five years of investigations in to the ancient Spiritual world of Britain, we were pleasantly surprised as he shared himself for eighty minutes as he talked about Dragons at the root of all religions on all continents and the hidden Dragons in Christian iconology and symbolism.

Did you know that the Dragon is the symbol of the City of London?   just one of the many secret and sacred bits of Dragon lore that Peter had unearthed over his twenty five year long investigations on his long journey.

Here is Peters talk, share it with your friends and keep a bookmark in your browser as you will want to come back and listen again.



Previous Waverley knowledge about Dragons, follow the link.

Dragon Conciousness and Dragon lines

When Christopher Strong came to Waverley dowsers in 2018 to provide a talk based upon his wide range of skills and long experience, we were delighted when he agreed to be recorded so that we can share his insights to the world.

Christopher did not disappoint regaling us all with some wonderful stories which in the dowsing world is the perfect way to teach dowsing, by providing this information of what is possible and what was done, the dowser can go away and practise the very same methods.

Christopher has written a very well received book on his dowsing journey entitled ‘Autobiography of a Sceptical Dowser’ which is available from the Penwith press Here this book is also available from the British Society of Dowsers (BSD) Here

This book is a must for all dowsers both young and old, new and experienced.

We hope you enjoy this fantastic talk, and please feel free to share Christopher’s talk and this page with your friends.




Michael Haxeltine, now in his eighties is trying to reintroduce Dowsing/Radiesthesia into all arms HM forces and at the same time recognising the high tech advancements the armed forces work with.

Royal Engineers could make use of an innovative use of the modified Bovis Units Scale/ Gigahertz  for assessing quantity of beneficial/harmful effect in the military context.

Michael recently gave a presentation to a group of Royal Engineers’ which went down well, the audience was particularly interested in understanding the history of dowsing used by the Royal Engineers in the 1930 and onwards and the trials undertaken by Colonel Bell

He told me he is trawling for opportunities, in all arms of the armed forces in the UK to give presentations as steps towards reintroducing this mysterious science into the HMF. The subject was taught to royal engineers Officers in the 1960’s who on completion of dowsing training had their service record endorsed as “having the knowledge”.

He has spent time searching for any resemblance of a syllabus from the 60s. In the absence of an MoD approved dowsing syllabus he has developed a syllabus; on his own for use by the UK armed forces.

However if you might have used “ the Knowledge” and can further guide him as to the content of this earlier syllabus, please contact

I asked him why he is so keen on his self set task. He simply said “ this is to save future fiscal issues and reducing an expenditure on wreaths” a phrase he used in 2005 in a military association journal. That dates the start of his quest.

He said that the recent body search in Germany could have been enhanced by a dowsing search using Colonel Bell’s initiative from the early 30’s when he was  a founder member of the British Society of Dowsers.

He spoke briefly about Colonel Bell RE and his pioneering work on distant “map” dowsing where it is possible to search from a map in the UK for a lost object hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

Michael demonstrated to the royal engineers how to complete a dowsing search for something in the southern hemisphere from the UK. Michael encouraged us to use positive map dowsing skills to locate two unsolved murders – historic dowsing and for current location to find where he lived. Michael added that information could be dowsed from a photograph.

He said using the same skills it ought to be possible to plot the edges of a mine field and find terrorist “safe Houses”.

He briefly mentioned how “watchers” could influence the the outcome of experiments. Heisenberg discovered this in the early 40’s.

At this stage of his presentation most of the on lookers were starting to realise that the subject was not a micky mouse presentation. It helped when a Member of Staff (RE) recalled finding by rod dowsing a 500 lb bomb.

In order to show the need for the mind to focus and not be diverted by the sub conscious he tasked the group  to find a mills bomb on someone in their midst. In addition he showed us all how to search for hidden objects by combination of finger pointing and pendulum dowsing. He gave us very little time to complete the task  which forced us to not allow the sub conscious to negate our dowsing.

I am indebted to Geoff Mitchell current Chair of Waverley Dowsers – for reducing the original scale card


Of the many subject areas he covered one was the application of a Gigahertz scale to evaluate and compare a range of functions. This is an example of the scale he was pioneering which is used in connection with directional/search mode dowsing.

A task which some of the Group rose to was to evaluate three drafts for the lecture he was giving.   The method was to directional dowse over the Scale above and ask the question before the presentation.

The Method is to give a little momentum to the pendulum and allow it to swing to and fro over the scale.

Then ask the dowsing question “what is the energy level of this object” – It will then oscillate over the Scale and quite quickly hover and settle on a graduation. That is your response.

He added the following points concerning the use of the scale – measuring vulnerability prior to doing a security sweep – halting a patrol before they got to within range of an IED by dowsing scanning or map dowsing.

Dowsing or the French term Radiesthesia is achieved by the operator picking up spirals of energy either given off or taken in. The spirals constitute a signature which are taken in by the dowsers brain, then, un-scrambled by the brain to create useable information. The energy is subtle energy and is in a spectrum of energy yet to be defined in lay terms.

If you would like Michael to demonstrate possible diverse: including dowsing gardening applications to your Group please contact Michael on the above e mail address.  End

Michael Haxeltine has a service background and trained horticulture

He has self published three books with one in French relating to dowsing and public policy  and another on trees and public health policy in relation to subtle energies.  His Bovis book which has some military relevance can be viewed on He has been a Civilian Instructor  with the Gordon’s School CCF for over 21 years.


For further free downloads provided by Michael and Waverley dowsers, please follow the links below:

Dowsers Mager & Hunter Colour Chart

Dowsing Guidance for all Dowsers







Sunday 11 November: The Power of Centre with Gary Biltcliffe.
and Caroline Hoare

Gary and Caroline will introduce their exciting new book ‘The Power of Centre’.

Following on from their groundbreaking work on the Belinus line, they have been continuing their spiritual travelogue of Albion and its earth mysteries. They have been focused on the exploration and research of the ancient navel or focal points of Britain and Ireland.

They will discuss why ancient civilisations regarded geographical centres as spiritually important places. They will also reveal their connection with old and modern pilgrim routes, the healing potential within the land, and the worship of the Celtic Aquarian goddess Bride.


PROGRAMME October 2018 – January 2019
Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm.

Sussex Dowsers Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

Refreshments available .
Contact Sandra on –

Sunday 9 December: AURA SOMA : Beyond Colour with Jeanine Brownrigg Hanneman

Beyond Colour is a newly inspired vision of Aura-Soma for the time that is to come, to help you hear the message and benefits that Aura-Soma can offer on your journey of self-discovery.

Jeanine is an Aura-Soma Colour Care Consultant and registered practitioner. She has been working with Aura-Soma for over 20 years and has used the bottles and essences extensively to support her own journey of inner transformation.

The vibrations of the beautiful colours, oils and essences offer a mirror to your soul to bring awareness to your greatest gifts, where you are on your journey and what you need to release to allow your light to shine.

There will be an opportunity to experience and purchase some of the products, others may be ordered through Jeanine via her email address
Sunday 13 January: Keshe Technology – GANS and Plasma with
Oliver Perceval and Malcolm Bosher

GANS plasma is a new alchemical substance.. It has applications in healing, agriculture, power production, and decontamination.

Oliver and Malcolm will share the background, key principles, concepts and applications of this technology that is given to mankind by Mr Keshe of the Keshe Foundation.

Oliver is an architect and geomancist who now works for Keshe Foundation Global Management Team, helping develop the first factories to get GANS to a wider market.

Malcolm is experimenting and sharing the knowledge in many practical ways, and gathering amazing feedback and testimonials.

There will also be a ‘plasma cocoon’ in which you can experience the effects of the energy fields emitted by water which has been informed by the GANS substances.

It is possible to learn to make it yourself in your home from zinc and copper.

Sunday 10 February: Healing in Crop Circles and the Other Side
of the Coin! with Lucy Pringle

Lucy Pringle is a professional aerial photographer, author and lecturer. She is a founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and is widely known as an international authority on the subject. She is a pioneer researcher into the effects of electromagnetic fields on living systems.

Lucy will share with us stories of remarkable experiences she has had during thirty years of researching changes that can happen to people, animals and indeed electrical equipment as a result of spending time inside and in close proximity to crop circles.

To put her work in context, Lucy will also explain some of the scientific aspects of her research, the current focus of which is to find temporary relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

After the tea break, you will have the opportunity to dowse some photos of crop circles.

Waverley Dowsers Friday 9th November 2018 19.15pm for 19.30pm

Kay Kraty Therapeutic Properties of Sound will provide an introduction on the therapeutic properties of sound Kay will also talk about and demonstrate sound healing and the importance of using sound to bring about healing.

Kay will explain the physics of sound related to the gong and provide experiential examples and exercises demonstrating sonic entrainment and finally ending with a short sound experience.

Kay is a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
She has many areas of expertise including Spiritual Philosophy:
Sound Healing: Gong training: Drum circle: Shamanic journeying:
Crystals and Life Symbols Cards and Books.

Venue: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7 3JB
Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100
Members £5.00 Visitors £8.00 Free refreshments

Meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the month. Check our events page for more information
contact Chairman Geoff on 01276 472977

The Waverley Dowsers Society is both a fun and a scientific group. We meet to learn and
practice dowsing.This includes earth energy forces which can adversely and beneficially
affect our houses, gardens and work places. and a lot more besides. Also learn about hands
on energy for healing.

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