A rare opportunity to go on a dowsing course centred around the Universal Pendulum, used all over Europe and a proven successful tool for dowsing healers. These courses are ideal for Dowsers, Radiesthesia and Radionics healing practitioners.

General Dowsing and Healing Workshop and Universal Pendulum Workshop – 17/18 November 2018 – Callington, Cornwall, UK.

General Dowsing
and Healing with
Energy Devices & Pendulums
Saturday 17th November 2018 – Callington, Cornwall, UK
Universal Pendulum Workshop
Sunday 18th November 2018 – Callington, Cornwall, UK

Please note your diary for the upcoming workshops organised at a venue near Callington, Cornwall.

Information at https://emeraldinnovations.co.uk/energy-dowsing/workshops where bookings can be made.

Also some venue details on Facebook HERE the home of suarasoundhealing.com

Day 2 is a special one day event for existing owners and users of the U.P. but also a good follow-on for those attending the Energy Dowsing and Healing Workshop on Day 1 for more advanced work.

Schedule and further details upon booking.


Some videos below to help you discover more about this Dowsing tool:




Linda Prentice continues Waverley Dowsers season of practise and training with a talk and some practise on how to find water and how to discover the depth, flow and clarity of the water.

Find out how a Water Diviner not only locates the recommended
site for drilling a borehole, but also determines the probable
depth,quality, quantity and mineral content of the water.
Linda will talk about the process she uses , site visits and
unexpected experiences. The talk will cover dowsing and map
dowsing for water, Pitfalls, tips, what to look for and record.
Audience participation encouraged with practical demonstrations

Please arrive for 7.15 pm on friday 12th October as the talk will be starting at 7.30pm the venue will be the Waverley Dowsers normal meeting venue at the Unitarian hall, Godalming.

Bring your dowsing tools as Linda will be encouraging audience participation in finding water

Sussex Dowsers training day at Chichester, PO197LG

Sunday 14 October: Improve your Dowsing with Sandy McKenzie and David Charman

Sandy will share hints and tips to improve your Pendulum dowsing results.
David will lead a session outside to practice with Rods to find underground water and archaeology.
Bring you favorite pendulums and rods. Pendulums and Rods will be available to borrow.

Sandy and David have been involved with Sussex Dowsers for more than 20 years.

Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm
Admission is £5 for everyone.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

Sandy and David will be demonstrating and working with healing practise’s they have a wide range of knowledge and skills which they are keen to share with you. Sandy also sells some wonderful pendulums and may have some on the day for you to purchase.

The Waverley Dowsers training day a week earlier on Saturday the 6th October,  the venue will be the normal meeting venue at the Unitarian Hall Godalming, Surry GU7 3JB:

Geoffrey will be providing the training for dowsers and his specialities are map dowsing and spiritual dowsing, he will introduce you to the Dragon line (ley line) at the venue as well as show you how to dowse the energy fields of the Trees that are in the grounds of the Unitarian church plus lots more that make it ideal for new comers as well as experienced dowsers.

Both of these Dowsing Training days complement each other and are a must for any budding dowser as well as the more experienced dowser to extend their knowledge and skills.

Waverley dowsers will be providing a day of training on Saturday the 6th October, all are welcome including children (attended with an adult) the venue will be our normal meeting venue at the Unitarian Hall Godalming, Surry GU7 3JB:

There is limited Free parking on the site for early birds but a large public car park just across the road which is very cheap.

Dowsing is not just about finding water, useful as this is for finding leaks and the missing water mains in the garden but dowsing can also be used for finding things as well as identifying energies in the home and garden that could be conducive and useful for wellbeing. Dowsing for health is a much sought after skill.

Basic Dowsing Course is in the morning and a more advanced course in the afternoon after lunch.

Basic starts at 10.00 (please arrive for 9.30 am) and will last for 2 hours with a mid break for tea.
There will be a talk on the background to Dowsing; what it is and how to carry it out. Practical uses and exercises in the hall and weather permitting outside as well. Cost £10

Advanced Dowsing course starts at 13.30 (please arrive for 1pm) and will last for two hours with a mid break for tea and biscuits. One could call this Basic Two since the subject is very large; it includes further techniques and principles and an outline of what can be achieved in your own development. Practical uses and exercises. Cost £10

Dowsing tools and equipment will be provided for free for you to use with advise on how to make or where to buy your equipment for future use.

If you are doing both sessions then the cost is £15 for both. You can pay on the day if you prefer to. We would like to know if you are coming, but if you do decide to go at the last moment; just turn up!

For further details or queries please call Geoff on 01276 472977

To purchase professional dowsing tools, please visit Grahame’s website:

You can visit our ‘Dowsing friend’ pages websites for dowsing groups nearer to where you live HERE

The International Association of Health Dowsers & the Association of Energy Therapists will be holding their annual convention at the Runnymede-on-Thames Hotel, Windsor Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0AG on Saturday 27th October 2018.

This luxury venue provides a beautiful riverside setting for our event.

We have four knowledgeable speakers leading a diverse and experiential learning opportunity.

As a participant you will benefit from this amazing gathering of experts and therapists.

In addition, you will also enjoy lunch in this stunning hotel’s restaurant.

This event is offered for an unbeatable price of

£80 for AET, IAHD & ACTTS members and £90 for non-members.

We also have a special offer if you book with a friend!

Once again, this exceptional experience is made possible by the organisers subsidising the event.

To book your place

Complete the form below and return it along with a cheque made payable to the “International Association of Health Dowsers” to Jane Court, 10, Madox Brown End, College Town, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 0GJ

by the 6th October 2018

AFTER THIS DATE PLEASE e-mail JANE at healthdowsers@fastmail.fm TO CHECK AVAILABILITY.

To download your application form, please click on the link below and print off the form, alternatively email Jane Court ( healthdowsers@fastmail.fm )

Runnymede Convention Booking & Details 2018

Peter knight (author of 11 books) looks at the myths of dragons & serpents, their association with the grail, alchemy, earth energies and dowsing. How we can react with dragon forces today. He looks at the deeper aspects of what dragons really are and what they have meant to people over thousands of years.

Peter Knight on the Subject of Dragons – Friday 14th Sept at the Unitarian Hall, Godalming.

7.30pm start, doors open at 7pm


Previous talks on Dragon lines and Dragons at Waverly dowsers.

Dragons – The Bigger Picture and their Role in the Universe – Friday the 13th

Space Dragons with the Electric Universe

Dragon Conciousness and Dragon lines

The 2018 British Society of Dowsers annual Symposium over the weekend of the 14th – 16th September 2018 at the University of Leicester has a great reputation of introducing new ideas to the dowsing fraternity. Below are the key points of this years lectures:


14th – 16th September 2018
Stamford Court, University of Leicester,
Manor Road, Oadby, LE2 2LH

We are immensely proud of our Annual Conference and rightly so! It is a wonderful gathering of dowsers coming together from far and wide to enjoy being informed, inspired and entertained by our expert speakers and workshop leaders but also relishing the opportunity to engage in discussion with a cross-section of the dowsing community. From the novice dowser attending Conference for the first time to the expert dowser who wouldn’t miss it for the world, we all have dowsing in common and much to share with each other. It is rare to find a group of people so gloriously egalitarian, welcoming and inclusive as the dowsing family so it is only right and proper that we are proud of that too.

Book now for the Early Bird rate HERE

In addition to the five keynote speakers, the sixteen workshops and time to be spent enjoying each other’s company we will have, this year, a rare opportunity to learn about and to experience the strange phenomenon that is GANS.

Our venue once more is Stamford Court, the University of Leicester’s light and airy conference centre in the leafy surroundings of Oadby, on the southern side of the city. Close by is John Foster Hall which houses the restaurant and bar. The restaurant’s chefs are proud of their reputation for adapting their food to suit the needs of those with dietary restrictions.

Understandably, they need to be notified in advance so do, please, let us know when you book if you have special requirements. Accommodation for the weekend is in single, en-suite, student rooms arranged in small flats in buildings adjacent to John Foster Hall. The whole site is wheelchair friendly and specially adapted rooms are available, some with carer’s accommodation. Please let us know if you would like to reserve one of those.

Keynote Speakers
Friday Afternoon
Karen French will talk about Sacred Geometry: Its Significance and Potential Within Your Reality.
She says that without geometry there would be no time, no space, no possibility of our existence. Learn about the meaning and purpose of 5 essential, yet simple, geometric shapes that are fundamental to the construction of reality and a universal model called the Gateway to the Heavens – comprising of the circle, square, triangle, cross and spiral.
Hear why they have been used down the centuries as potent symbols and tools across all cultures, particularly when used with sacred intent, activated by sound and imbued with the colours of light. No complex mathematics is included or needed to appreciate their potency or to use them to effect.

Saturday Morning
Lucy Pringle’s talk is entitled Healing in Crop Circles and the Other Side of the Coin!
A professional aerial photographer, author and lecturer, Lucy is also a founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and is widely known as an international authority on the subject and the pioneer researcher into the effects of electromagnetic fields in living systems.
For her talk at Conference, Lucy will share with us stories of remarkable experiences she as had during thirty years of researching changes that can happen to people, animals and indeed electric equipment as a result of spending time inside and in close proximity to crop circles. As her title suggests, these changes can be therapeutic or they can be quite the reverse.
To put her work in context, Lucy will also explain some of the scientific aspects of her research, the current focus of which is to find temporary relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The science involved in her work will then be covered in greater depth during her workshops.

Saturday Afternoon
Simon Brown’s talk is about Face Reading.
His intention at Conference is to help us to understand ourselves in terms of our own energy, known as Chi in China, and how this energy interacts with the outside.
This is a very revealing journey that will start in his talk on Face Reading and move on in his workshops entitled Human Energy to the whole person.
This is a very revealing journey that will start in his talk on Face Reading and move on in his workshops entitled Human Energy to the whole person.
The aim is to better understand how we can make our energy and, in particular, the energy around us work so that we can more easily succeed in life. The aim is to be sailing with the wind, or swimming with the tide so that we achieve more with less effort.

Sunday Morning
Annie Penny has worked as a healer for 20 years in cancer care centres, hospitals and
hospice care. Much of her work has been with serious illness, particularly cancer.
In her uplifting talk entitled Healing into Death, Annie will draw on stories of working with people who were dying and how healing helped them pass over peacefully.
Through her work she has been helped by many incredible teachers to put together a ritual to help people positively prepare for death while still well.
For her book on dying, Annie interviewed many wise Eastern and Western teachers, channels, and people who have had Near Death Experiences. In this talk Annie will share some of their stories and their advice for positively preparing for death, the moment of death and the afterlife.

Sunday Afternoon
Jim Lyon’s talk at Conference is entitled The Conscious Cosmos, about which he says that the ongoing failure of the current Big Bang description of the Cosmos is yielding an
emerging new model of the Mind-Matter connection. It is the “SpinSpace” concept of
spiralling electric filaments forming a grid network throughout the Cosmos. Galaxies emerge at cross-over points on this network.
The primary source of energy is electricity in the plasma state, for example the light from the Sun.
This self- organising fluid-like material occupies well over 99% of cosmic matter. The Earth Energy Grid defines the layout of Ancient Sites and indeed Medieval Churches. Its energy is detected by our Third Eye, the key to dowsing. The structure of everything is dictated by harmonics based on the Diatonic Scale. Jim’s talk will outline the features of this emerging model.

Space Dragons here on Earth!

When Alfred Watkins used the old english word ‘Ley’ to describe the alignments he noticed in the English countryside, I doubt he gave a thought to the people who came later and mis-interpreted what his book was explaining.

So for those who like to truly understand the true source of something, you can buy his book from Amazon, it is called ‘The Old Straight Track’ notice the title!  this is actually very important for accuracy because Alfred wrote and described something very important which got mis-interpreted by the people in the sixties and it has held up public information and education ever since.

Below are some transcripts of talks that Alfred Watkins gave after the publication of his book.




Some promoted the incorrect term ‘energy ley or ley line’ to identify the Dragon lines that Hamish Miller had recognised and identified as Spiritual energy line’s of consciousness (Dragon lines) which have the serpentine path or action. Although I happen to believe that all energy is conscious.

Ley lines are ancient Mesolithic and later neolithic man made trackways through the temperate tree forests of Europe, they probably allowed people to travel and trade on known trade routes as well as build their habitations along them, (you can dowse paths made by humans and animals) there was also a French author ‘Xavier Guichard’ who wrote a similar book to explain what was discovered in France and how so many villages, towns and city’s all bearing either the same name or something similar and all on straight tracks generated from one centre point (constant travel).

Landscape can also create ‘leys’ or straight lines of energy between indents/cuttings and promontories or outcrops as the natural electrical energy at the surface of the Earth will connect for various reasons, and of course not withstanding conscious or unconscious human intention which may have been done by accident or on purpose. (between churches and another spiritual location, old or new)



For those dowsers who track Dragon lines they will know that they are not a straight line but a line that meanders like a river or Serpent of energy across the countryside swinging from one direction to another and even returning upon itself as its consciousness decides, Dragon lines circumnavigate the globe to continue their ribbon of energy over and over.

When dowsing, the mind goes in to a focused state that has been compared to mindfulness meditation.

There are many things that can be accomplished using dowsing and utilising your intention, here is a quick video example of a Waverley Dowser, Michael Haxeltine teaching how to create your own energy circle that will help to keep an area warmer in the winter to protect delicate garden plants. This is an easy thing to accomplish and demonstrates the practical use of dowsing which can provide many benefits for yourself and your garden plants. Come along to the Waverley dowsers training days to learn how to improve your dowsing.

Subscribe to the Waverley dowsers website (see top right to add your email address) and be notified of our Dowsing training days, these are run for all members of the family.

Waverley Dowsers have some interesting dates coming up soon. We will be continuing our outside dowsing trips by staying in Godalming for the next one. We shall be visiting the Lammas lands behind the Unitarian Church on the friday the 13th July. Come to our normal friday meeting spot at the Unitarian hall at 7 – 7.30 and we will walk to the location to which should take no more than 6 -8 minutes. We know there are some archaeological remains to dowse for.

The Lammas lands are designated as a:

  • a Site of Nature Conservation Importance because of its high wildlife value, particularly birds and invertebrates
  • an Area of High Archaeological Potential
  • an Area of Strategic Visual Importance.

Don’t forget to check the Waverley dowsers website Events page to know what is going on.


On our Friends page on the Waverley Dowsers website, we have links to many many, Dowsing groups in the UK that you can visit from Yorkshire to Cornwall and read what they are up to:

One of the links on our friends page is the Wessex Research Group which has a fascinating monthly news letter which is worth having a read as it lists lots of alternative ‘Talks’ going on each month.

Thank you to all of you who came to the Dunsfold Church meeting, I think everyone was delighted in the Dragons, the Elf’s and the Goddess energies that many of you were finding and connecting to and should now be able to find yourself (go and visit old churches, they were built on Sacred energy spots).

The male and female doorways were an interesting example of what is available to interact with, even though you can’t see it!! This is the adventure of Dowsing!.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next meetings.

Geoff and Ken will also be attending the Sun and Moon festival and they will be providing workshops on dowsing which will include everything that they can squeeze in to over the full week. (howto, dowse and communicate with the invisible Universe, how to map dowse, how to find, Elf’s, Dragons and how to heal yourself as well as heal the land.


Christopher Strong was first taught to dowse by his five year old son and has since gone from strength to strength in growing his skills. Dowsing now for more than 35 years Christopher released a book a few years ago, ‘Autobiography of a sceptical dowser’ which talks through his journey and how his skills have grown, the secret as he will explain in this talk at Waverley dowsers is ‘do not be afraid’ and to practise everyday.

Christopher will be providing his talk at the Waverley Dowsers Unitarian hall, Godalming on the 8th June at 7.30 pm, this is a must come if you need to improve your dowsing or would like to start dowsing he will also have copies of his book on sale which he will autograph. A perfect opportunity to ask those questions on how to clear energies from your home, the garden or to self heal as well as talking to spirits.

Buy Christopher’s Book HERE

A recent event with Christopher Strong

On the next day, saturday the 9th Waverley dowsers will be at Dunsfold Church so if you wish to practise your dowsing, talk to spirits, find ancient stone circles then make sure you come along, if you have no dowsing rods bring your pendulum and I am sure someone can lend you a dowsing rod. The experienced dowsers will be able to offer guidance and answer your questions during your fantastic experience.


This ancient Church has been chosen to be visited by Waverley dowsers at 2pm on the 9th June due to its rich history and multiple energies inside and outside this Church. Built on an even older sacred site, dowsers will be able to find the energies of a prior Stone Circle and the Sacred Dragon energies that flow through it’s grounds.

There is still an energy residue of a stone gateway for the stone avenue that once led to the stone circle further down the lane next to the river which we will also be visiting to dowse.

The Church still has its original oak pew seating in place since the 13th Century while you will be able to dowse the complex water spirals within the Church around the pulpit.

You can click on each of the links below to open the PDF documents to read and print information about this beautiful church, to download each PDF, please right click and choose download.

Dunsfold church 1  Dunsfold church 2  Dunsfold church 3  Dunsfold Village Website


The ancient Peoples of the world had a secret which was lost a long time ago, the secret was the knowledge of how to make concrete. The earliest discovered use of concrete is the Bosnian Pyramids (30,000 years old) and the landscape surrounding the Pyramids. Below are several videos demonstrating how the ancient Egyptians made their concrete to build the pyramids blocks and statues while a video showing the river that runs between the Bosnian Pyramids is manmade with concrete and clay and the last video shows the Bosnian Pyramids were covered/rendered in a concrete skin which has been found under 5 feet of soil showing the great age of the structures.


The following video has a lot of adverts in, but persevere as it does provide some great information about ancient concrete and its uses and brings up the subject of Egyptologists fraud.


This last video is a short video highlighting the manmade river in the Bosnian landscape, the more you study the subject the more we realise that many objects from ancient times (stone balls) and statues are all made from concrete.

An earlier post about ancient concrete can be found in the link below.

Natural Sacred Concrete and Dowsing the Energies

We here at Waverley Dowsers along with many in the Dowsing fraternity have watched and supported the Electric Universe Theory grow as more and more people realise that it provides solid observable evidence on how the Universe works.

Book your place at the UK’s first EU-UK, the UK’s first International Conferance and Symposium, visit the website link below for more information.

As part of the launch of Electric Universe UK  are holding the first-ever UK Conference and symposium, Saturday 7th July – Wednesday 11th July 2018. This exciting new 5-day event (organised by authors Adrian Gilbert and Lucy Wyatt) consists of:

• two-day weekend conference in Bath (7th – 8th July)

• two-day symposium at a private venue in the Quantocks* (10th-11th July)

• gala dinner in Bath with author Robert Temple as guest speaker (7th July)

• one day of visits to local sites (9th July)

*please note that space is limited at the Quantocks venue – so be sure to book soon to avoid disappointment


Sussex Dowsers present on Sunday 13th May, Astrology, Crystals and Spirituality with Patricia Godden

Patricia Godden is a Scientist turned Astrologer. After obtaining a first class honours degree in physiology and biochemistry, she went on to complete a doctorate and further academic research in metabolic hormones.,. She then worked on the registration of new drugs for a pharmaceutical company in Germany .
On  returning to England, she retrained as a reflexologist and had a busy practice on the Isle of Wight. During this time, she gained much experience in dealing with the complex problems that people face: physical, emotional and social.
This talk introduces Patricia’s book Astrology, Crystals and Spirituality, which describes the energies of each planet in each sign of the zodiac and identifies the crystal that resonates with each planetary placement.
Holding the crystals that resonate with the positions of the planets at the time you were born helps you connect with the essence of what your soul is trying  to achieve in this lifetime.
After tea, there will be the opportunity to hold crystals that resonate with planets in your horoscope.
Bring your horoscope with you. If you do not have your horoscope, you can print it off from one of the many websites that let you enter your time and place of birth.
There will be a short Annual General Meeting at the start of the meeting
Meetings start at 2pm  Doors open 1.40pm.
Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG
£6 non-members, £4 members  Refreshments available

Do you know who you are travelling

with on the Psychic Highway

Jane, Holistic therapist and experienced dowser has a wide ranging experience within the complementary therapy environment.

Jane will lead an organic interactive discussion covering all aspects of psychic protection and provide a question and answer session.

A session to excite novices and to challenge the more experienced to learn more about this valuable ability of psychic protection.


The Venue: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7 3JB

Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100

Members £5.00 Visitors £8.00 Free refreshments


Meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the month. Check the events page on the Waverley Doswsers website for more information

www.waverleydowsers.co.uk or contact Chairman Geoff on 01276 472977

The Waverley Dowsers Society is both a fun and a scientific group. We meet to learn and practice dowsing. This includes earth energy forces which can adversely and beneficially affect our houses, gardens and work places. and a lot more besides. Also learn about hands on energy for healing.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula or mountain Pyramid

Considered so sacred it was buried to prevent the Spanish conquistadors from finding it this is the largest manmade structure ever found on Earth built in those times.


With more than a hundred Dragon lines crossing at this point you can understand why the ancient people built a Sacred Pyramid on the site. The Pyramid has been judged to have been built approx 300BC but it may be older and is still been investigated by archaeologists as it may be Olmec built.

If you are visiting Mexico, go and visit the site, dowse and connect with the Dragon energies as three of the Dragon lines also flow through England on their world wide journey.


20,000 year old mountain Pyramid in Java, Indonesia




30,000 year old Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Europe with energy broadcast from the peak documented and measured as well as underground water channels just like the Egyptian Giza Pyramids.



A round up of Mountain Pyramids worldwide in the following video.

One thing that has been discovered over the years are the manmade water channels cut in to the bed rock under the Pyramids of Giza and similar water channels under Mexican Pyramids as well as the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.

Another aspect to consider is that the Stone circles of the British isles also attract underground springs, with many dowsers and investigations concluding that the rotating energy of the circles act as an attraction to underground water which works it through the ground to criss-cross under the Stone circles. Dowsers have found that the energy signature of Stone circles is exactly the same as the energy signature of the Pyramids.

Dowsing Lessons and Talks

You will find Ken and Geoff from Waverley Dowsers teaching at the Sun and Moon festival in England 2018, they will be teaching Dowsing, Map Dowsing and How to find Dragons and what to do once you have found them.

Visit the Waverley Dowsers Events page and come along to Waverley dowsers for further training and interesting talks on many subjects.

Come and join us in the beautiful surroundings of South Zeal and Dartmoor in Devon, for a celebration of Dowsing that will be fun, informative and accessible both financially, and open to all; novices and experts alike. Children are also welcome as long as accompanied by a responsible adult.

Whether you come for one day or for the whole weekend, there will be plenty to enjoy, including informative Talks, Outings – making the most of the wonderful ancient sites of nearby Dartmoor and enabling you to practice your dowsing under the guidance of expert leaders. There will also be alternative indoor options of an array of Workshops to hone and expand your dowsing skills.

The Event is being organised by Devon Dowsers and Somerset Dowsers, with support from the great wealth of talented dowsers from the South West Region and Local Groups.

There will be a discount for the Event for BSD and BSD Affiliated Local Group Members.

Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th June 2018 

South Zeal, Devon.

Our theme

Dowsing gives us a unique ability to be sensitive, and gain awareness of our environment, including the ‘unseen world’ of Earth Energies, Spirit of Place, Elementals, and underground Water. Our DFest theme of “Consciously Communicating with our Surroundings” is a chance to actively explore these aspects to gain a better understanding of levels of consciousness of all things, and their inter-relationships with one another, and us, through the ages.


Three professional dowsers: Ann Lodygowski (Saturday), Mandy Bennett (Saturday) and John Moss (Sunday) will give engaging talks covering a fascinating range of dowsing topics.

Outings with experienced leaders:

Saturday: Brent Tor, Scorhill, Kes Tor, Taw Valley.

Sunday: Merrivale, Fernworthy, Lydford Gorge, Belstone.


Workshops will be provided within our theme over the two days in Victory Hall South Zeal.

Socialising in beautiful Surroundings

This is a chance to enjoy conversations with like-minded people both during the day and into the long summer evenings in this medieval Dartmoor village. Camping is possible at the King’s Arms, and B&B is available in the local area. South Zeal has two excellent pubs with good food. Those wishing to come early can join us on the Friday 22nd, free of charge, for walks and socialising.

Booking – For further information and booking, please visit: www.devondowsers.org.uk

Or call Gwynn on 07730 520 414.

Somerset dowsers

Devon Dowsers

The events page has been updated for Waverley Dowsers Events for the rest of 2018, to see what the events are please follow this link HERE:

For those of you and for those who couldn’t make the talk about Dragons recently, please note that we will be visiting a local Church that contains a Dragon in the grounds, plus one just outside in the lane, so bring your dowsing tools and we shall see you at Dunsfold Church, check our events page for date, please contact Geoff for the time as we will need to make sure that we do not clash with any Church functions, but we will post the time on the Website nearer the time.

You will be giving expert tutoring on how to interact with these sacred creatures and we suggest you bring a rug so that you can lay with the Dragon.

Don’t forget to read the articles on the Articles page on the website, we have many great articles for you to read and many of them will give you some great ideas on how to tune up and practise your dowsing.

On the auspicious date of Friday the 13th a Master Wizard will talk about and share the ancient knowledge of Dragons and their role in all of our reality’s.

Wizards and Dragons have a legendary connection reaching far back in time beyond the written history of mankind, Dragons are not the fearsome beasts portrayed by Christianity but were hijacked by the Church from earlier times and in some cases entrapped to bring power to the Church itself through deception. This rotten portrayal continued throughout early and late medieval history until modern times and the Dragons have requested the return of wizards to put the matter straight.

Are Dragons real?

What are Dragons?

Can we see Dragons?

Are Dragons good or bad for us?

Where can I find a Dragon?

What can Dragons do for me?

Ken Collinson a master wizard of the Wayfinders association of modern wizardry, an association of worldwide wizards was created to bring like minded wizards together to develop and share their wisdom and skills with each other and for the benefit of all.

For further information about this Wizards Association please visit:


Doors will be open at 7 pm, at 7.30 the Waverley Dowsers will run through with the AGM and then Ken will spend the rest of the evening talking about Dragons and finish with a question and answer session. There will be a part two to this talk which will include meeting some Dragons and learning to connect and communicate, a date for this second part will be advertised later this year.

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