Another fabulous day trip for Waverley dowsers and this time we really went to a site that had everything for everyone. But it is really what the people want is what counts. So this time we had six people come together to investigate the ancient site of Old Sarum, once a proto town with it’s own cathedral, a Norman castle, a Roman fort and going backwards an iron age fort and Neolithic Henge. But always a very important site used throughout British history, today it is a popular tourist attraction with it’s own English Heritage shop.
It was quickly obvious that the dowsers who had come had their own skills and interests which they wanted to explore and by the end of the day we had explored, the Earth energies (Dragon Lines) Spiritual energy (Goddess energy’s), Metaphysical energy’s (an old spell still in existence) as well as interacting with the strangeness of the living energy’s of the Trees and the site in general. Not much attention was paid to the archaeology of the medieval town although Ken, Geoff and Stephen had a quick dowse to identify that it was there and to date it, before moving on to newer and original ‘stuff’ while Alan was drawn to some particular energies and was the one who found the energy barrier. Angela was drawn to the Trees and was pleased at discovering the strange energy manifestation of the Tree’s, Geoff was in contact with the spirit of an ancient Shaman, Stephen found the portal that was providing Goddess energies while Sue loved the Dragon energies especially the female dragon which was beneficial for Safie her dog who had recently lost a leg.
Stephen was able to impart an interesting piece of knowledge about Old Sarum, that is was once a ‘rotton borough’ to understand this, please follow this link Here.
So a successful day all round with a bit of adventure thrown in, everyone learned something new and all loved the Dragon energy lines (Earth Energies) with Stephen and Angela finding where the two Dragons touched and rolled around each other in a dance of joy.
Geoff provides a great write up on our day out below, there are numbers in the description which relate to the numbered spokes on the picture.
Waverley Dowsers’ Visit to Old Sarum on Saturday 9th July 2016
What a nice relaxing, bright summer’s day last Saturday was. A bit blowy, but it never stops blowing on the top of this Henge! We all met at 11.00 in the free carpark on the site and decided to do our scouting about by going around clockwise.
The principle was to just do some dowsing for whatever we find. Ken and I have been here before, but I believe Stephen, Alan, Sue and Angela had not. So if you take the main entrance to be the 6 o’clock position we moved around to 7 o’clock

Between 7 and 8 are two close-together small stone circles which have long since been robbed. Ken and I located these on a previous visit and found that the older of these had been dismantled and reused in the newer.
8 & 9 o’clock had 3 features; in that close to the inner ditch there was a grave area in which 19 female bodies had been buried in Roman times (3 were children). I flagged the outline and we speculated on their fate and left it there. Towards the outer bank there is a gully and in the 9 o’clock area we found foundations, a midden; still topped with stinging nettles, and a massive and beautiful beech tree, under which your dowsing polarity was reversed.
At this point a dog walking man inquired as to what we were doing and so I gave him the full “Mike” (As Mike H. is fond to do). I’m pleased to say that he took this all in his stride. The general principle here is that if you are asked tell it to your best ability; at which point from a reciprocal question I found out that he was up from Guildford and was familiar with the Waverley area.
In the 10 to 11 position you will come across an impressive dragon line (Belinius) which sails off to pass through Salisbury Cathedral. I dowsed for the lanes and flagged them out. We noted that the inner bank was covered in yew trees which were helping to support this energy beam.
From there we moved around to the original Cathedral foundations. A dragon line also passes right in front of the S. entrance doorway, which I also flagged (between 12 and 1 o’clock). The Cathedral and cloisters are between 1 and 2, where we followed some of the many energy lines snaking all over. I flagged out the positions of the original and the later alter tables, steps and rails (the Cathedral was later extended). An excellent location for lunch!
Between 2 and 3 we located the monks’ well, the Bishop’s palace and the direction to the brew house. At 3 o’clock there is a row of trees on a bank. We found a really friendly sycamore which was remarked upon for sending out warmth, nearer to the outer bank. Stephen was excited to see the wind ripples in the corn fields nearby, especially because he works in explaining turbulence in aerodynamic conditions. Ken showed us another effect in that in the walkway in line with these trees you get a dowsing polarity reversal again, but bang central an intentional spirit barrier had created a 4ft. wide channel that also returned our polarities back to normal.
From here Angela and Stephen went off to explore the central hill which came under English Heritage charges. Sue and Alan returned home and so Ken and I explored the previously unexplored section between 4 and 5 o’clock. As we approached the outer bank we noticed that there were 3 crows waiting there, which gave us a caw to make sure we had noticed them. A quick check showed that they were for us, which meant there was something magical there. Up the bank and over the style and I get to stand in place of the crows and ask the questions; whilst Ken sits down with a smile; “Ask away; what are they showing us?”
Lastly we moved to the site shop (it’s always polite to exit via the shop at all “theme parks”!) A hot drink and an ice cream to finish off; not forgetting the free wine tasting tots. Angela and Stephen returned from the central exploration and were quite full of the two dragon lines kissing each other in the centre area. Shakes and hugs and we all returned home.
Nothing to smack you in the face, but a super day for powering up your dowsing muscles. There is no doubt I have learnt much, but that is the wonderful thing about this sort of day out, it was all so painless. If you haven’t done so before do try and get on the next outing! Have a great Summer!
Geoff Mitchell
Chair at Waverley Dowsers
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