Organised by Sussex Dowsers
Lead by Pat Carter and David Charman

David is going to try to arrange a car share for this one, with your help.
Contact David Charman on 07754780553 or energyviewin@fsmail.net

Sunday 9th August 2015. afternoon
Hospital of St Cross
St Cross Back Street
SO23 9SD

St Cross is 1 mile south of Winchester city centre.

There are marvellous energies at St Cross Hospital in Winchester .

Energies can be experienced here , by dowsing with your

pendulums, rods, or by the Oldfield Filter.

Set amidst the watermeadows ,this beautiful almshouse and church

has been the perfect centre of tranquillity to the community for

centuries ,they welcome dowsers and those interested in St Cross Hospital`s

support for people and the churches history .

Legend has it that Henry de Blois , a monk , a knight and a politician

founded St Cross Hospital between 1132 and 1136 ,though he discovered

the ruins of a religious house prior to this time.

The traditional Wayfarer’s Dole is still given at the Porter’s Gate to all travellers who request it

The Sussex Dowsers ,are pleased to offer this trip to St Cross Hospital

with guides to help you dowse on the day .

Oldfield Filter photographs can be seen on the day also for guidance.

Tea rooms, Gift shop, and Toilets are on site.


You can find more informaayion on the Oldfield filter – HERE

Waverley dowsers next meeting will be the 14th July 2015 when we will be dowsing a water well in Fleet Hampshire that was originally dowsed and drilled by a professional water dowser, there are many underground water flows on site so it will be fun dowsing the different depths . This will give us the opportunity to test our skills against known parameters, as we will compare your findings with what was originally found. The area also has energy lines running through which we will dowse. All this will allow us dowsers to practise and raise our skill level in areas not normally considered. This is an outside exercise in gorgeous surroundings and we will be walking in a grassy field that is not grazed so please address appropriately, the meeting arrival time will be approx 7pm and we will start at 7.30.

So we hope to see you there and if you haven’t already confirmed your place please contact either Mike or Geoff for directions we will also provide a map of the dowsing area for you to use during your dowsing. Geoff will also be showing a video of a water dowser in action so you can get to see the real thing and pick up some tips.

Geoff –  geoff@geoffcmitchell.co.uk

Mike – mike.haxeltine@talktalk.net

Another training session at Waverley dowsers for intermediate and advanced users, we had Pam talking about how she use’s her Guardian angels and spiritual helpers in all her dowsing, with Ken introducing the entitys from the Underworld, Middleworld and Overworld and talking their non-threatening demeaner.

Michael and Geoff demonstrated a particular workshop they had experienced at the recent EEG meeting as well as demonstrating dowsing a beam of light with the audience also getting involved in these two energy dowsing methods and learning how dowsing can be used to dowse for ‘radiation’ such as electro-magnetic or EMF radiation from TV’s computers and all your electrical home devices.

Ken has posted a recent ‘walkabout’ dowsing session in his local woods and the finding of a neolithic stone tool (click here), how you can also do the same on your weekend walks is a great way to practise your dowsing and perhaps finding your rewards.

Practical dowsing article click here

Come and enjoy the 1st day of summer in one of the most beautiful parks in the country. Arundel Park with its lake wildlife and rolling chalkhills and possible site of a hill fort. This outing is to explore a site in the park that could have been a site of human occupation long long ago. By who, how many and where the dwellings were if there were any at all, are some of the questions to be answered.

Come early have a row on the lake, lunch in Swanbourne lodge and feed the ducks.
Or meet just inside the gates to Swanbourne Lake, Mill Lane, Arundel at 14.00

There is a 15min walk on graveled track to the site. David will be at Swanbourne Lodge
For lunch at 13.00 if you care to join him.

David Charman
Phone  07754780553  email: energyviewin@fsmail.net

David has just started at Sparkle Spar, 24-26 Portland Road, Worthing  01903 367900
One day a month to start with from the 13th June, So if anyone needs an Energy Viewing report and repairs please phone for appointment

Dowsing is a wonderful tool to empower you to use your natural ability to manipulate the energy’s of the universe, the great thing about dowsing is you don’t need to have a PHD to use it. This following ten minute video shows how you can use your in-born ability to improve the energy (any energy’s) in your home, your village or your city, I suggest standing upright and ground yourself by visualising sending your energy (a beam of light) down through the ground until it envelopes the centre core of the Earth. Take your pendulum and set it spinning in your normal default position and ask ‘Please remove all the energy detrimental to me from this house’ and then wait until the pendulum stops spinning and starts moving in your standard ‘Yes’ or ‘completed’ movement. Below is a video showing how this can be done.

Waverley dowsers from Surrey had members attending both days of this busy weekend and so we have a different perspective on what was learned and achieved. Geoffrey, Sue and Michael went on the Saturday while Ken, Nadia and Sue went on the Sunday. Below are Geoff’s thoughts on the day out while Ken talks about the Pictograms workshop in greater detail.

BSD Symposium April 2015 Visit by Geoff and Mike on the Saturday.

This was my first BSD event and I was looking forward to meeting fellow dowsers from far and wide more than just what might have been on the program!   Mike and I decided to travel on the Friday afternoon rather than really early on the Saturday itself… taking it a bit easier, but meant spending an overnight stay at a local hotel.

The journey went well so we had time to call in at Worcester Cathedral first…. Don’t think I’d done that one before.   A lovely sunny day… a nice cool interior.   Asked the Rector if we could dowse inside, but they had an evensong coming up and politely refused (not sure that they had been asked that before).   Internally quite a classical arrangement… not quite as spectacular as some I have visited.   Returned to the sun outside and decided to see what might be dowseable on the green.

Found energy lines entering unused doors and some spiral patterns on the grass… Bought some fish and chips and moved on to the Pear Tree Hotel.   At breakfast we bumped into some dowsers known to Mike. We then drove to the University Campus venue on breezy and bright morning.

We registered and then scanned the BSD shop… cups of tea…. then a brief welcome was given by Isabel Derry the new Chair of BSD and on to my first lecture with Fay Palmer talking about the consciousness of water.

Fay has an “agricultural” laugh I was told… very true… we sit down and prepare ourselves.   She hands out sealed bottles of water… not for drinking… yet!   She grabs a rod and walks down the front of the class and dowses a line in the open area at the front of the class…..   “I shouldn’t have shown you that” she says with a Hagrid type innocence.   We discover that she had moved a water line into the classroom from the outside for the demonstration…. Nice level of intent dowsing there.

Amongst other things projected on the screen, Fay showed that our bottled water had a current physical field which we measured. We were then shown the nasty’s of the negative edges of the water line we had also had turns in finding; and were asked to transfer this negativity to our own bottles and re-measure the auras. Well mine had dropped to 15% of its starting point.   We were then asked to re-taste the water as a comparison.

Subsequently we shook the bottle up to energise it and wish it well to re-measure a return, for me, to about 87% of the original level.   We break for lunch and a chat and I’m glad to say that I felt the atmosphere really comfortable and in the company of friends.

The afternoon session for me was with Nigel Twinn and Andrew Edgar talking about the philosophy of dowsing…. Fascinating, but don’t ask me what they said…. Except that I can say that, in modern parlance, I had no issues!   Have you noticed that when you have at least six unread dowsing related books to be read in one’s own library these people will recommend more!

Mike and I stayed on for the evening meal and that gave us an opportunity to chat to some major names on the scene.   Nothing heavy, but a great insight into the “normality” of them all.   Finally a really smooth and uneventful return home.   A really pleasant weekend activity which I would heartily recommend. All part of my education!

Geoff’s Report GCM150531–1

On the sunday the Pictograms workshop had some very enthusiastic participants and so a more detailed write up was created to explain this potentially stupendous new branch of the Dowsing fraternity and it’s part in all Earth Energies manifestations. Below are a photo slideshow which we hope you enjoy, but to read the article please follow this link HERE

Slideshow of the Pictograms workshop



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To understand the context of the photos in the slide-show, you may need to read the article on Pictograms HERE

Recently a group of people of people from Farnborough Crondal, Godalming, Lightwater, Frimley, Woking, Fleet and Southampton met in Farnborough to explore:-
• why some trees had very twisted branches which could not be accounted as vandalism or being affected by the prevailing wind
• what happened to a possible fountain
• what happened to a large stone which was possible moved fifty seven years ago
• the alignment of underground water channels
• What connections if any where there with the Albert Road Tumulus.
• A pedestrian tunnel which passes under the A325; now blocked off.
All this was happening within a few metres of the Farnborough Road. Their search tools were their minds, a piece of bent wire and a variety of pendulums used to apply a range of dowsing skills.
A few members of the passing public were intrigued and they were given a one minute introduction to the skills being used and shown how the mind controls the tools.
Were the Groups called Waverley dowsers satisfied with their evenings work? Well only partly. That was in spite of a Google earth study of the area and pre-survey work over three weekends.
The site is the open space at the junction of Boundary Road and Farnborough Road and readers are asked to contact the Newspaper if they have knowledge/picture of a [standing] stone in this location.
It is believed that there was a fountain in the grounds of the house which had been constructed on the site. The Group found what might be the feed pipe but they have yet to return to complete their search.
The issue of the underground water sources needs further investigation. If anyone wishes to acquire the skills to do this sort of research they would be welcome at Waverley Dowsers or a group like the Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers.
In this picture we see Ken Collinson explaining how a glacial pan affects underground water flow. The flow from this and similar geological formations produce a subtle electrical energy which can affect the growth of trees and human. Most of the “time team” agreed that underground energies were responsible for the twists in the trees.

farnboroughKen Collinson [wearing a scarf] addressing the group about the glacial period and its effect on dowsable water flows and the subtle energy currents.
These flows are dowsable and in the case of “sick building syndrome” a specialist dowser will dowse to locate them and try reduce their potency.
Ken, from Frimley manages the Groups web site. His knowledge was complemented by Geoff Mitchell, an electronics engineer from Lightwater. He did most of the Google Earth research and planning for the evening.
Light stopped play but not before the group had a head to head to pool their observations and to do an outline plan for visit two.
That visit might also include an attempted to mark the entrance to an ice house on a separate site, nearby.
Mike Haxetline said that “some of the trees were already protected by current protection legislation. However this site represents possibly one of the most importance examples of trees deformations caused by underground water flows, in the South east of England”.
Michael also said “that the trees affected can be clearly seen from the road”. More work is needed on the area to see what heightened levels of protection are needed for this interesting area of environmental science. Michael has in his second book identified 26 different reasons for trees deforming.
For more information about Waverley dowsers contact Michael on 01252 541 639 of the Current Chairman Geoff 01276 472977

Waverley Dowsers will return to this site for further investigation not only for the tree deformities but to help locate various missing Neolithic stones and the relation between this site, the Albert road Tumulus, the two tumulus on Queens roundabout at the end of Lynchford road and the demolished neolithic stone circle that was once in the vicinity behind Victoria road in Farnborough.

For the article on the completed first investigation by Waverley dowsers at Farnborough, please read the full report HERE


There is a new festival joining the summer festivals in the UK this year, this is the fabulous Sun and Moon Festival near Brighton at Plumpton college from the 16th to the 23rd of August. Ken Collinson one of the experienced dowsers at Waverley dowsers will be providing three days of workshops on dowsing at this festival. Check out the other 200 workshops that will be running throughout the week


Waverley dowsers have now posted their preliminary dowsing events for the next twelve months, these dowsing events will be held in the various counties of Hampshire – Farnborough as well as Winchester. We also have events in our Surrey HQ at Godalming as well as outside events at Tilford and Farnham. To view the dowsing events schedule please click HERE to read, this is a PDF file which will open up for you to print or save for future reference, please always check that the event venue has not been moved or changed, using either our contact form (on the contact page) or our committee’s contact details on the ABOUT Page.

You can also subscribe to this website by  using the subscribe field on the right hand side of this page.


Once you understand the different qualities of Earth Energy in your home or at your place of business, you will be able to align yourself with those energies that are nourishing and life promoting. Meanwhile any earth vibes that carry unhelpful, unlucky or even diseased energy can be avoided or often transformed.

In our Earth Energies Workshop you will learn to dowse these energies as well as a variety of techniques to help deal with them.

Earth Energies
Sat & Sunday April 18th and 19th
10:30am to 5:30pm
Ashdown Forest
East Sussex

To learn more about this course you can visit the website through the link below:


 Crystal party with Beverley Kinane on the 15th April from 2-9pm.

15 Greengates, Lurgashall, Nr Petworth, Sussex, GU28 9ES


Why not drop in for a cup of coffee

and a chat to meet like-minded people.

Bring a friend and have some fun!

Enjoy the energy of crystals.

Readings available.

Tel Beverley Kinane on 01428 707281

for more details


British Dowsers Spring Symposium 2015
University of Worcester
Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April

Muscle Testing Ron Dudley-Smith
Drawing on some of the findings of Joey Korn to investigate the many bands of the auric field and to discover dietary deficiencies & intolerances.

The Consciousness of Water Fay Palmer
Water is often viewed as an inanimate target, to be located for a well, or geopathic stress. But how often to do we use dowsing to talk to the consciousness of water? This approach can help us gain better results when seeking to work with water for a variety of purposes. This practical workshop will encourage students to experiment with water and dowse for changes in the energy of both their environment, and themselves.

“Draggon” Lines and Serendipity Richard Summers & Andy Mason
This workshop will present the recent results of dowsing a new pair of earth energy lines between Castle Hedingham, Essex, and Walsingham, Norfolk, and the various “coincidences” along the way. It will provide opportunities to discuss the serendipity and the significance of the crossing between the “Draggon” lines and the Michael and Mary Lines at Bury St Edmunds … “joining up the dots”.

Is Seeing Believing? – A Temple of Delight Don Bryan
Creating a Roman temple out of thin air to prove that whatever you see in your mind you can create on the ground (Outdoors on the grass).

Journey to the Heart of Home Christian Kyriacou
“Do you feel ‘at home’ where you live? Did you choose your ‘home’ or did it choose you? An experiential visualisation workshop taking us into deeper levels of awareness of our homes where we live, being a reflection of our ‘inner’ home. A simple yet powerful psychotherapeutic process showing us aspects of our lives and of our soul journey in this lifetime of which we may not have been aware of. Christian will explain the concept of our soul connection to where we live why we were drawn there, and how to identify issues that are impacting our lives.He will illuminate for us how geopathic stress both at physical and metaphysical level hold the energy matrix of our intentions and karmic ancestral programmes and thus how our home can be our greatest healer and guide to life. Be prepared to think of where you live in unexpected ways! This session will continue on Sunday afternoon allowing overnight processing of the various meditation visualisations. New people who have not attended Saturday, can join on Sunday as the process is an organic one taken from wherever you are.”

A Dowsing Paradigm & What is Consciousness? Andrew Edgar & Nigel Twinn
For decades, dowsers have tried to explain their ability to the wider world in the language and ideas of other disciplines, such as science, religion, magic, and logic. Nigel asks what a worldview would look like starting from the experience of the dowser? What does the fact that you can dowse tell you about your own take on reality?
Consciousness lies at the very root of what we mean by personal reality – and it lies at the heart of understanding the nature of dowsing. More than the elephant in the room – it is the room! Andrew examines the concept and the experience of being conscious, and will invite you to join in, reflecting on and challenging your own experience of consciousness.

How to Tame your Dragon Fay Palmer
Many dowsers interested in earth energies will often make obligatory trips to one sacred site after another. Yet your own back garden may contain many of these elements, simply on a smaller scale. This workshop will guide dowsers through known features and using practical exercises develop confidence in identifying and working with these energies in your own garden.

The DIY Guide to Building a Labyrinth & Deviceless Dowsing Bill Holding & Mike Barwell
Labyrinth building made easy: once learned, never forgotten! A skill for life. Using tools to dowse is where most of us begin but by practising and honing our individual techniques we can achieve the same, and sometimes better, results by training our bodies to answer our questions. This workshop uses practical dowsing experiences as personally taught to Bill & Mike by Billy Gawn, David Cowan and Mother Earth.

Meditation for Dowsers Richard Summers
This workshop for beginners and for people with some meditation experience will include an outline of some different meditation traditions and an opportunity for questions and discussion at various stages. It will include some practical guidance in silent Buddhist meditation and chanted Sikh meditation and an introduction to finding your inner stillness and your spiritual connections.

Images in the Ether Bill Holding & Nigel Twinn
Pictograms (etheric patterns and symbols) first entered the awareness of the dowsing community via Colin Bloy, of Fountain Group fame, but really only came into the public domain through the books of Hamish Miller. No one really knows what they are, but they are everywhere – and you could be creating one now, as you read this! Nigel Twinn and Bill Holding will lead you through the story to date – with some exciting new work on finding pictograms using your chakra colours.

Opening the Psychic Door Christopher Strong
Dowse who is with you – family member, spirit guide, power animal or angels? How to get any messages they are trying to give you. How to work with angels and clear ghosts.
Muscle Testing Ron Dudley-Smith
Drawing on some of the findings of Joey Korn to investigate the many bands of the auric field and to discover dietary deficiencies & intolerances.

Is Seeing believing? – An Ancestral Henge Don Bryan
Demonstrating how our energies, if utilised in the correct way, can create a zone of energy exactly the way the builders of Stonehenge did.(Outdoors on the grass )

Deviceless Dowsing & How colour and form affect the energies in your home. Mike Barwell & Helen Lickerish
Using tools to dowse is where most of us begin but by practising and honing our individual techniques we can achieve the same, and sometimes better, results by training our bodies to answer our questions. My workshop uses practical dowsing experiences as personally taught to me by Billy Gawn, David Cowan and Mother Earth. How colour and form affect the energies in your home. You will discover how simple things like changing the colour of your walls or rearranging items in your home can change how your house feels and how parts of your life alter in response. Bring along a plan of your house and see how different parts of your home relate to different parts of your life, and what changes could be made.

Discovering the cause Christopher Strong
Practical workshop to dowse the cause of symptoms, distress, disturbance or similar. How to clear attachments, curses and work with pain. Most can be cleared.

To Book please visit he BSD


As soon as I entered the Hall the sparkle from the table shone out and beckoned me closer…. Yes a couple of bright spot lights did help, but what an array of colour and polish! Beverley Kinane was there too; full of energy and radiating along with her wares.


It’s important that, to be a dowser, you must suspend your previous beliefs and marvel at the genuineness, energy and “peculiar” behaviour that can emanate from such a committed person. She says she does not know what she might be saying, because she is channelling help and guidance…. similar to a newsreader listening to their producer through their hidden earphone, but totally without needing to touch her ear!

Well, what came through was intriguing and fascinating. The bottom line is that you should go for a stone that attracts you and ask it if it can work with you and vice versa. There are stones for a variety of applications in the dowsing sphere.

Although Beverley was talking loosely about her subject of crystals she was also interacting with us. She was more of the clairvoyant and quickly spotted those of us that needed support and encouragement. I felt totally relaxed and comfortable and was immensely impressed by her warmth and generosity.

I’m still not an expert on stones, but I know that firstly, I can always dowse for my best interests and secondly, I now know a lady who is!


One thing we at Waverley Dowsers know is that Dowsing accuracy comes with confidence and confidence comes with practise which is why we run regular training sessions as it brings us all together to share new ideas and practise those ideas. Bring your questions to the dowsers meetings and ask, quite often you may get more than one answer, this is because although the goal may be the same, the path to get there can be many. Below is a video from renowned dowser Sig Lonegren who has written many books on the subject of dowsing and related subjects.


Here we see three Members, Ken – Frimley, Geoff- Lightwater and Michael – Northcamp looking for things of technical and fun interest for day or evening meetings of Waverley Dowsers. Here they are looking at damaged and twists in trees.
Tree InspectionIf a tree is bent against the direction of the prevailing wind it is likely that earth energies might be the cause.
It is not widely known that energies arising from “earth faults” can send up minuscule currents which can adversely affect trees and susceptible humans. Trained dowsers are able to trace these currents/energies which the “ancients” knew about. The ancients and “ masons” had the skills to detect these “energies’ and use that skill to site buildings away from detrimental energies.
However there has been a renewal of this knowledge in the 1890’s and the 1920’s and we have been regaining this knowledge over the last hundred years.

This is one of many subjects which Dowsers learn about either through their meetings in Godalming or at national/international events; via the British Society of Dowsers.
Many Members have a specialised dowsing interest. Current interests cover alternative therapy, Archaeology, diving for water on small holdings and for the really technically minded they learn about the supporting physics. However, this is one of many activities which members do either in a group or on their own.
Our next meeting in Godalming on the evening of the 10th March concerns the subject of crystal communication and the speaker will be Beverley Kinane.
Further information on Waverley Dowsers contact Michael Haxeltine 01252 514 639

Sunday 8 March 2015. SHAMANIC TOOLS FOR LIFE with Liz Bridger

Liz is a trained Shamanic Healer, Psychic Surgeon and Equine Bowen Practitioner.

She will be talking about how old shamanic ways and tools can help with our future path. She will also talk about Andean traditions and teachings which assist in connecting with the energies of all living things and help people let go of issues and life-traumas.
After tea we will finish with a shamanic journey to meet your Power Animals

Mon 30 March ENERGY VIEWING WORKSHOP with David Charman
10.00 to 14.00 Cost £40.00
At Angelica, Parsonage Farm,
Yapton Road, Barnham.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG £5 non-members, £3.50 members.
Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm

Friday 24th April 2015
The Annual Robert Cowley Memorial Lecture


Robin Heath

The RILKO AGM will be held from 6.45 to 7.15 (Doors open 6.30pm)

The public is warmly welcomed to the lecture at 7.30pm

This illustrated lecture will present robust evidence that the world was surveyed and measured in prehistoric times. The technological residues from this activity will be shown to be recognisable in modern times, and are found permeating presently employed measures, astronomical, geometrical and geodetic techniques and within prehistoric monuments, where this evidence remains almost completely unrecognised within archaeology. Find out why!

Robin Heath has a science degree and was a research and development engineer before becoming the head of technology at Coleg Ceredigion. The author of eleven books, he lectures widely on the subject of megalithic science and the evidence for ancient wisdom and has worked on projects with the media, John Michell and Paul Broadhurst, and his brother and fellow author Richard Heath. www.robinheath.info


R.I.L.K.O. A Charitable Educational Trust Number: 266677 – Founded 1969

Website:  www.rilko.net

Also see RILKO on Facebook

Waverley Dowsers will be given a Dowsing training session this coming weekend 21st Feb 2015 at our normal meeting hall, check out our Events page HERE Three hours dowsing training for only £10 !!

So if you live in Surrey, Hampshire or west Sussex you could only be a short trip down the A3 from us so come along and bring a friend for tea, biscuits and a great fun afternoon of Dowsing from 2pm in the afternoon 21st feb

For Dowsers who are familiar with the Michael and Mary and Belinus Dragon lines, recently some Waverley dowsers discovered a female Dragon line in Bulgaria running through a 3rd century Church. The female Dragon line was twelve (12m) metres wide at noon.

Rotunda 3rd century Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

Rotunda 3rd century Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

Check out the full article about the Sacred temple well that we investigated and dowsed, the Temple Well is on the side of a Mountain long ago forgotten and overgrown with Trees, there are various claims for why it was constructed, all of which seem to be worshipping the sun, moon or stars, but perhaps re-discovering the Sacredness of the site through dowsing may provide the best reason why a temple well was built over a beautiful earth energy known as a Primary or Genesis energy outpouring. Read the full article HERE


Below are some photos of the path leading to the Temple Well as well as some Photos of the site, to watch a video of the Temple Well then check out the article HERE


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